Titles For Glass Rods.

Started by 38HAULR, April 24, 2010, 07:27:57 PM

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I am trying to find out how glass bodied rods are registered/titled  in various states of the US.
Repro rails ?  Original rails?  Rebodied[glass body fitted to an existing late model frame].
We have an issue here in Australia over the importation of such vehicles,for example an Aussie buys a 32 Ford roadster, the documents  for import approval call it that,then on landing customs find a glass body and jump all over the place and our Dept of Transport that issues approvals is involved.
Our import approvals are granted for pre 1989 vehicles unrestricted,now it appears that any glass bodied vehicle is questioned on it,s actual build date.
Example here is that if I swap a glass body onto a 1999  Toyota frame, then it becomes a re bodied 1999 Toyota.
Flowing on from this, some individuals have now come up against red tape with difficulty involving vehicles deemed modified.Any clues on to how the US system works, would be appreciated .


check this WIKI  page..may give you some answers

clik here....

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


In Kansas, if you don't have an original vin number, it will be titled as a ASV in the year that the inspection is requested. ASV is for assembled special vehicle. My 32 is titled as a 2008. There are people selling titles with numbers that can't be substantiated. The patrolman told me that if he runs a vin and it shows up on another title, that they confiscate the vehicle right then. That was enough for me not to pursue that. We also have a function called a quiet title. It takes a lawyer and several hundred dollars to obtain that. That is used when you buy a vehicle with no vin number.


Each state is different, and the rules keep changing.


In Canada, at least BC, we can't even bring glass cars into the country, period, unless you can prove they were registered over 15 years ago. We can bring the pieces in and build a car tho, but then it has to be inspected and registered as a "ubuilt" and is the year that it was inspected. Even Brookville bodied cars are ubuilts! The laws in BC ( by ICBC) are totally archaic and they won't eve look at what everyone else is doing. Glass bodied cars have to pay full insurance while steel boddied ones pay about 1/4.
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"


Many states have adopted or are in the process of adopting the SEMA model legislation that allows you to register your replica car as the year it replicates. So a glass '32 roadster gets a 1932 Ford title.



Missouri adopted the SEMA standards but then the state department of revenue made their own ruling as to what the SEMA standards are and how they apply in Missouri.   The result is that no one knows exactly what the law is and there are many different interpretations.  You can ask a highway patrolman, a licensing agent, or an employee of the department of revenue, the same question, and get different answers.  It took me over a year to get a title for a fiberglass 32 Ford roadster.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


39, that's the "logical" way of doing it........so probably won't happen in BC!
WZ, sounds like ICBC ( insurnace corp in BC) is setting  your policies!
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"