My 75 NSRA Nats Memphis Trip

Started by Carnut, September 26, 2009, 06:17:50 AM

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Did not view al 75 pages but I recognize several cars in the first few and they are still owned by the same guys...........



The '75 Nats was the first trip for my '41 Chevy sedan.  I mean FIRST trip.  We finished working on it the night before and then took off the next morning, or maybe even that night in a group from Orlando and Fort Lauderdale.  What a trip.  To say it was a beater is being kind, but we made it.  Carnut, ran through your pics.  Brought back a bunch of memories.  Saw a few of the cars from our old club, the South Florida Street Rods and a piece of the club banner in one of the pics.  Wish I had the concession on Stroker Caps that year.  Thanks for posting them.

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50