steering wheel shake w/M II

Started by 40cpe, May 21, 2009, 12:25:49 PM

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Thanks for all the suggestions on my problem. I checked the easy things first and made sure the rack was centered in the straight ahead position. It only took 1 1/2 threads to get it really close. Then I reduced the front tire pressure to 25 psi as suggested earlier. I don't live close to an interstate, so I had to wait for a chance to get it to the speeds that cause the shake. I had a chance to run it up a couple of times for a short period and didn't feel any shake. I still have the short * when I hit a bump, so maybe the tire pressure just masks what ever the real problem is.

Thanks again, and if I find anything by trying different wheels/tires, I'll let you know.


The air pressure could just mask the problem.  Watch for abnormal wear. Or if it plows into corners.  Side wall flexing. May be to low. These car are modified so sometimes we have to play around alittle. Bump steer needs to be fixed. Doesn't sound like yours is to bad. I actually had mine where it would lock the steering wheel when I accelerate hard around a corner. Bad. That was after drop spindle.