A roadster day

Started by Charlie Chops 1940, November 03, 2008, 06:31:16 PM

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Charlie Chops 1940

Boy, it was nice here today. Sunny, mid 60's, so I got the rpu out for a little run through the fallen leaves. It just doesn't get any better than that. I think I'll do it again tomorrow - maybe go over to the Ionia Hot Rod Shop for lunch..

It appears that topless motoring will be over for this year by the end of the week.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Your right Charlie. Back when I had my T-Bucket the top stayed home a lot this time of year. Unobstructed view of the colors cannot be beat. Enjoy it while it lasts..



Although I have lots of stuff I should be doing,  the weather has just been to nice.  It has been in the 70's the last few days.  So I have spent some time in the 32.  Yesterday I went out to the local airport and then for a little run.  I was hoping to get a picture of the roadster with the Waco biplane that is hangered there but it is apart for maintenance.  Gas is cheap.  Today I may head out of town on some twisty black top roads.  Life is good.

Enjoy your run Charlie

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Quote from: "Charlie Chops 1940"Boy, it was nice here today. Sunny, mid 60's, so I got the rpu out for a little run through the fallen leaves. It just doesn't get any better than that. I think I'll do it again tomorrow - maybe go over to the Ionia Hot Rod Shop for lunch..

It appears that topless motoring will be over for this year by the end of the week.


Nice here the last few days.

High 70's, mid 80's.

Not tryin' to make you feel bad weather-wise.

I'm in the middle of one of those two day differential swaps.
I know, it can be done in a couple hours, but with no lift, crowded garage and a few holdups . . . goin' on four days now.

Anyway, why not put a top on the roadster.
Lots of ways to do it and if you don't need a folder, make a lift off frame and go from there.

Having a top on mine means the season can be extended quite a bit and just cuz it's raining don't mean you have to go home....

Sailing the turquoise canyons of the Arizona desert.

Charlie Chops 1940

It was another nice day...as good as early November gets in western Michigan.

I wheeled over to the palatial digs at the Ionia Hot Rod Shop and found the good doctor's roadster taking a little air out front. Couldn't resist a couple pictures. Denny was slaving away just inside, fitting a set of subrails for a '32 5 winder on one of his frames. It held a y-block adapted to a T-5. Super secret - no pics...nah, not really, I got to gabbing with Denny and Matt and just didn't. Had to buy a  IHRS hat to replace the General Dynamics one that blew off about a mile south of M-57 on M-66. Watched for it on the way back but alas, it didn't jump up to be reclaimed.

C9 - a top arrangement is in the back of my mind. Will need maybe 1.5" taller glass. Then fabricate some sort of header and just run a jeep type soft top back to the top of the cage. It would help tons in the rain and provide shade on those really toasty days.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Sunny November days in the '70s are definitely something to enjoy in Michigan and it sounds like you're taking full advantage Charlie. 8)

I don't have a roadster but the scooter is getting a lot of 'last of the season miles' on it before salt hits the roads.  The fall air smells special when it's blowing in your face. :D  

Snow is predicted for the weekend. :(


Charlie, the orange RPU is yours?

Good looking car, great color choice.
Sometimes black just doesn't cut it.

Looking from here, stock top irons would work if you had the right header on the Duvall windshield.
The top material would have to snap around the roll cage down bar that goes from hoop to floor.

Fwiw - I've been looking at the stock style chopped 2" top irons on my 32.
Looks like some 1/4" x 1" aluminum stock with a few bushings could duplicate the top iron steel pieces easily.
A minimum of welding on one piece per side so you could do the saw kerf and bend then weld to make the curve.

Using hardwood veneer - lack of voids etc. - plywood for the front header would allow you to cut the V'd header to match the windshield.

If say 3/4" thick plywood wasn't thick enough you can glue it together and end up with 1 1/2" thick or whatever is necessary.

Done that one a few times when making a three legged 1 1/2" thick plywood shooting bench with 1/4" corprene top.

Granted, a Jeep bikini style top would work fairly well, but there'd be just about the same amount of work in the header.

(Aside from looking totally * I dunno why anyone uses a Duvall windshield.) :D

One of the things that makes the stock type top workable is that it overhangs the sides and rain - unless the wind is blowing - doesn't fall inside the car.
Not true with BopTops and other styles that lean in for appearance from what I can see.

If you did a bikini style top, run it down and around the roll bar hoop a little bit.
That'd give you some welcome overhang.

Fwiw  few weeks back I spent the day at a car show with the 32 during a monsoon rainstorm.
Interior stayed dry even with no windows.
Surprising too how much the ladies liked the top on the car.

Anyway, won a trophy, but am wondering . . . is it bad if the trophy rusts....

Sailing the turquoise canyons of the Arizona desert.


Sunday I painted some parts outside on the side of the shop. Not only was it warm but not windy. We've had 2 nice weeks but the weather man is about to dump on me.

Charlie Chops 1940

Yes Jay, the orange one is mine. The w/s frame is one offered by * Williams @ Poliform. It doesn't have a top to it. I look out right through the glass edge now, hence my comment about taller glass as a header/frame top will take up some space and I can't hunch down any to see out.

It would all be do-able and worth the effort.

Your comment on duval style windshields is well taken. They are * looking...I'm using a Grant duval on my '32 Brookville roadster - when I get back to it. I'm using some Topster guy aluminum headers with some Bop Top pieces and some home brew for the roof on it.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!