Anyone try this..

Started by Dave, March 30, 2008, 01:21:18 PM

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Im taking a break ive been working on the rear rolled pan for the roadster and I also put a trap door in for the M/C today as i forgot to do that.. Anyway... I was in tractor supply yesterday for some bungee cords for the HiTech hood hold down till i get something better that I like and I found myself once again looking at the 40 inch tool chest and roller chest they have there. They have 2 of em on the floor and they have had them for ill bet 2 years and aint sold a one of em.. Now they are nice units and have bearing slides and stuff. I figure the one reason they havent sold is farmers tend to be pretty cheap and most of the ones i know have 4 different boxes and their tools aint much anyway. The other reason might be that everyone just goes to sears and pays the high dollar there.. Ok my question .. Do you think it would be worth my while to go in and find the store manager and ask him what the bottom dollar price is  :?: They supposedly have em on sale but im thinking a better deal can be had just cause they have sat there so long.. Just wondered if any of you have ever tried this..
dave :wink:  :arrow:


try it, worse thing they could do is throw you out...
i sure that's nothing new to ya.. :P
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list


I do it all the time. The worst they can do is say no. I have a couple of the Clarke boxes, which is what TSC carrys, and they are pretty good.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I'd ask. After 2 years, they might be anxious.

phat rat

DAVE!!  SHY!!! :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock: As Frank said the worst they can do is say NO. They won't ban you from the store  :lol:
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


I have done it, never at TSC, but i once got a living room outfit from Art Vans for quite a bit less than the sale price by making an offer.


uhhhhh, any chance they are selling like hot cakes out the back door/loading dock while they just let the display models set?


Quote from: "phat46"I have done it, never at TSC, but i once got a living room outfit from Art Vans for quite a bit less than the sale price by making an offer.

Ill never buy from art van... well maybe when they dont have a sale .. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Dave :wink:  :arrow:


I just saw a report on the news about this ,just last week.A lot of people are doing this nowadays.The trick is to call their bluff when they say no.Just say,thanks anyway,and turn around and walk away.People are finding out that when they walk---they usually end up with the deal,providing the offered price is within reason.

No billet for this kid!


Our TSC store has a corner where they put clearance and returned stuff.  It's usually around 70% off but a lot of times there isn't a price on things.  I just offer them a lowball price and they usually take it.


Definitely, Yes!  Most retail items are on the sales floor @ twice the cost to the merchant, in 95% of any business out there.  On items that you know have been around for a year+, I've had the best luck offering a number on the low side of 1/2 way between suspected cost & the floor price.  Typically, your chances will improve if you want to buy both tool chests, especially if they're older models replaced by newer models.  

As folks have said, they'll either counter your offer, or say "no".  A merchant is very conscious of inventory turn; old merchandise ties up their cash that they could put into goods that sell!  If they say "no", leave your telephone number, in case they reconsider.


Quote from: "Carnut"uhhhhh, any chance they are selling like hot cakes out the back door/loading dock while they just let the display models set?

Well the fact that they have 2 40" sets sitting there and 1 bigger and 1 smaller set im thinking thats inventory. This is one of 2 TSC stores in town and the smaller of the 2 by about 1/3 the size of the bigger store.. I dont know when I can get back but im in no hurry and id bet their still on the floor when i go back. What id like to do is sell my craftsman 26 " stuff or even bring that set to work and replace my smaller kennedy stuff cause im outta room there. Then I can sell the kennedy stuff.. Or whatever..
Dave :wink:  :arrow: