Thanks to all of YOU! Please Read

Started by msuguydon, February 07, 2008, 06:55:16 PM

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A proud day for TEAM SMART...... I hitched, loaded, unloaded.. unhitched and delivered my buddies car with no bumps, bruises or fouls.... I let my kid play hookie from school, cuz I needed his help as my buddy is worthless   :lol:   he was stressing all morning long... I kept telling him ... relax....your in good hands ... I got the Team Smarts karma flowing through my veins ... we got ya covered.... you guys can make fun of me all day long and I will play along ... but TODAY I am very proud of my son and I  :b-d:

MSUGUYDON hard at work...

MSUGUYDON saluting my mentors on the RRT board. !!!!  A Sincere salute! Thanks for all the help these last two years!

MY buddies big GRIN as he pulls his car off the trailer... that's what it's all about.... that was the best trophy any man will ever WIN  :!:

The Jbird scoop equipped pseudo Gasser in line at the show.... WOW what a great car day !!!

Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


Glad everything is working out, sux i cant go, maybe next time tho... :D
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.
*****Youngest Member of THE TEAM*****


Congratulations and thank you.  I'm sure that you've come to realize this board is about helpful, ornery members. Team smart  excluded. How do you describe Team smart?


Sweet Don.. Ill see you saturday about 11:30- 12:00.. Im ready for a weekend out and so is Sue.. Car looks good and your making the team proud..   );b(  );b(  );b(  );b(  
Dave  :b-d:  :b-d:


LOOKIN' GREAT  :!:  :!:  See Don...It was there all the time...   :shock:  :shock:   :P    Ya just needed some direction & a little "shove". :?  :?    Good job to da 'boat of ya  8)    :b-d:   Have fun this weekend & remember...Wax on...Wax off.....

Bob... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Quote from: "kb426"How do you describe Team smart?

Spending 35 minutes and 4 attempts to get his car centered on the trailer.

Tightening and loosening the tie down straps three times in the front and twice in the back till we got them right...

Fighting with the clevis pin to get the ramps secured on the trailer before we left.

Getting home and finding out that I never tightened the ball on the hitch and it was loose and flopping around...   :P

That my friend is Team Smart... dumb enough to try stuff and lucky enought to pull it off.
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


QuoteGetting home and finding out that I never tightened the ball on the hitch and it was loose and flopping around...   :P

 Trust me Don..That ain't Team Smart Karma...You got someone LOTS better than Team Smart watchin' out for ya  :!:  :D   :!:

1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


P.S... if you want some more pictures from the show inself.. follow this link to the HAMB board...
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"
QuoteGetting home and finding out that I never tightened the ball on the hitch and it was loose and flopping around...   :P

 Trust me Don..That ain't Team Smart Karma...You got someone LOTS better than Team Smart watchin' out for ya  :!:  :D   :!:


Yeah the old grease monkey in the sky had my back today!!!
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


Jeeze Don, I think I'm startin to tear up :cry:  like a wussey. Cowboy up dude, it needed doin and you got er done, even Warf would be proud of you.

The picture of your buddies Chevy next to that "gasser" Ford took me right back to high school. My best buddy from grade school through junior college had a fifty Ford business coupe. We always parked our cars side by side in the school parking lot. His Ford was way faster than my Chevy but my Suzuki would chew up his Honda everytime.

One more thing,,,,, Keep your ball tight, it's important.
                      Jbird 8)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
Badges? Badges? We don\'t need no stinking Badges!!
Team Smarts official dumbfounder
The first liar ain\'t got a chance


Glad to see ya's made it allright. Good job... );b(
Fine looking ride as well.

I rode up to the Harbor Freight store a couple of weeks ago with my buddy, who owns a Ford 350 diesel dually, with a rather large hitch on the back for towing his 28' race trailer.

We came out of the store and saw a small crowd around the back of his truck. He has a Bobcat gen/welder bolted in the bed right behind the cab and we thought someone was messing around with it.

We got to the truck and found that an elderly lady had pulled in too far in the space behind him and impaled the front of her car on his hitch ball. There was a guy trying to jack up the car for her so she could back out and free herself. We stood by patiently for a little while until the guy got the front of her car up in the air. She gave it the gas and went nowhere. It was a front wheel drive car.

Before the old blue hair had a heart attack, my buddy sends her into the store to buy 2 jack stands. She comes back, we raise the car more, set the stands, and he drives off while I'm prying on the hood with a crowbar. He gets free, we lower the car, she gives him the jackstands, he returns them to the store for a refund, keeps the money for gas, and we drive off, with not even a scratch on the chrome hitch ball. Last we saw of her she was calling AAA.

he bought that truck 2 years ago and this is the 3rd time that's happened to him.
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "Rayvyn"Gla

We got to the truck and found that an elderly lady had pulled in too far in the space behind him and impaled the front of her car on his hitch ball. There was a guy trying to jack up the car for her so she could back out and free herself. We stood by patiently for a little while until the guy got the front of her car up in the air. She gave it the gas and went nowhere. It was a front wheel drive car.


That, my friends, is Team Smart in action.  8)  :lol:  :lol:

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****