Seat belts or not

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, November 18, 2007, 05:16:04 PM

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Quote from: "Crosley"do you folks install seat belts in the old cars for street use?


Personally I think this is a no-brainer.

Shoulder belts if you can install them,



I put seatbelts in my 58.  I have big vinyl bench seats and like others have said, you go around the corner and you start sliding down the seat.

I would not own a car without a seat belt.  I have too much to live for, a loving wife, 3 great kids.  

They are simple to install, I DID IT, so anyone can do it.... they are inexpensive.. $25 new...

Why not  :?:

Plus my car is fifty years old, no padded dash, no collapsible steering column, no fancy smancy bumpers, no air bags.. it is the least I can do to help protect my family and myself.

I would feel horrible if someone got hurt in my car because I did not have seat belts installed.

Sorry for the lecture.

Now all of you go wash your hands, clean your rooms and get a job and a hair cut.  :D
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Seatbelts have been mandatory since the 70,s here in Oz.  You get fined for not wearing them.  There was an immediate impact on the road toll. The reduction has been steady over the last 36 odd years. Considering population growth in the state of Victoria for instance,which I believe was the first "compulsory " state  for seatbelt wearing[vehicles had them,but many did not use them]. Our road toll in raw numbers is now one third of what it was.Many of the current deaths,are people who have been found "not to have buckled up'.  Wearing them Does make it hard though to duck when a Kangaroo comes through your windscreen on a highway,you are pretty well stuffed..........Frank.


I would not be without a lap belt.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


I had a choice, seat belt with shoulder harness or a custom fitted seat cover. As you can see I fitted the cheapo seat cover. Out here in the land of fruits and nuts if the police don't see a shoulder harness strap they will pull you over, it happened to me twice in this same truck. I think the popomen were a bit miffed when they found I was wearing a lap belt. After ending up on the passenger side floor with a whip lash in a forced off road evasion, while not wearing a belt, nearly thirty years ago I believe in them. The lingering whiplash discomfort is a good reminder.   Jbird 8)
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