Bleeding Wilwood Discs?

Started by seadog, July 18, 2007, 07:45:46 PM

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Ahhh, what a honor. In the words of Frank Barron, "holy crap". That was probably the only subject I had any current knowledge about and even then it was second hand. But thanks for the honor Team Smart for we all grow old too soon and to late shmart...............Fronk
PS: I've got boots...................baaaaaaaaaa
PSS: I'll apply for the open 'customer service' position................ :twisted:
PSSS: Where the heck is Seadog?
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


PSSS: Where the heck is Seadog?[/quote]

Seadog is right here, just spent a couple of hours on my brakes.  Found that I have to deal with a leaky switch connection before I can proceede with this here bleed thingy.  Thanks for all the input.  I think I understand what I need to do to complete the job.


Just a note on the brake light switches. I had a friend who put in one that the threaded part was plastic. Had 10 miles on the car and went to stop and lost his brakes. The switch broke at the fitting and then a 2nd one did the same thing so he found one that was metal and no problems. Would be an exciting experience.
