
Started by flamefink, May 17, 2007, 10:54:53 PM

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Once again its been a really long time since my last post... I almost feel like I need to do a reintro everytime I get a chance to post.

The 48 F1 project is coming along. After collecting more parts and whole trucks than I'll ever need, it looks as if my truck will be ready for a mock up motor/trans in it by the end of the week. Soon to be underway is a second F1 (year is still undecided) for my dad. I'm not sure if it's that he's been bitten by the bug as well or if it's that he's tired of seeing whole trucks lay as piles of parts.

The A is still progressing when I have time. Those of you who made it to the Chopper's Rod and Custom show earlier this year probably saw it in the far back corner of the left ring... it now sports dual quads, wide open lakester headers and Radir wheels (an uncrushed visor too).

And still on the back burner are all of the other cars I talked about in the past plus a few more. Also still looking for a reasonably priced Model A Coupe body(w/title would be nice).

I'm hoping my schedule will be a little less congested this summer so I can take the time out to stop and say hi when I see a familiar face...
Do you need a tetanus shot to ride in that thing?


Sounds like you have been staying busy. Are you still in school?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Brett.....Glad to see you're still checking up on us!Stay out of trouble....Well,At least out of Jail! :P
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"