What is it called?

Started by rumrumm, May 11, 2007, 10:19:49 AM

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I am looking for the brush-like fibers used in shifter and hand brake slots in interiors. I want to use it to finish off the slot that my automatic trunk opener travels in. The problem is: I don't know what that stuff is called or where to get it. I could make my own using shop brush fibers, but I thought I could save myself some work if I could just order it. The upholstery shops I have checked with know what I am talking about by have no idea where to get it. Any help would be appreciated. I plan on improvising tomorrow (Saturday) unless someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


It's called a strip brush, and is available from McMaster Carr. Page 1196 of the current catalog.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Thanks. I knew someone would know.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


check this out lynn. i bought something similar at the commerical door place that sells metal doors.

