Michigan auction

Started by enjenjo, March 16, 2007, 12:21:46 AM

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http://www.wilsonauctionltd.com/calendar/pdf/20070331-0930.pdf This might  be of interest to our southern Michigan members. they have a bunch of tools there.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Thanks.. Ill prolly go if i can..
Dave :arrow:


Quote from: jusjunkIll prolly go. if i can..

Dear Sue,

Please let Davey/Barney/Jusjunk go to the auction this weekend. He has been a good boy the last week or so on the RRT, and I'm sure he has put his best foot forward at home.

He promises to take you linen shopping when he gets home, along with a nice dinner at your favorite restaraunt. He will also wash the dishes for a week, and help you with the vacuuming and dusting around the house.

I can vouch that he will be on his best behavior, and will not drink, swear or overspend during the auction.

He has expressed how deeply saddened he would feel to be away from you those few short hours, and how he would be thinking about you the entire time.

Can he please go??

***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


:shock:  * if you get all that stuff, can rob go too!!! :wink: LOL

to funny


Charlie Chops 1940

Only an unmarried guy would come up with a line of...uh, stuff, like that.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Quote from: "Charlie Chops 1940"Only an unmarried guy would come up with a line of...uh, stuff, like that.


I guess i shouldnt have put it like that charlie. The way ive been feeling i wonder if im gonna live to go  :lol:  Anyway he is top on the list for an * whoopin in April. Now I just gotta get someone who will do it for a dollar and then bring me the change..
Dave :arrow:  :wink:  :arrow:


Quote from: "jusjunk"The way ive been feeling i wonder if im gonna live to go  :lol:  Dave :arrow:  :wink:  :arrow:
Must be the weather (or lack of it). Thet say there's a lot of that going around, but I think it's stopped here. There's a Swap Meet in Lancaster next weekend. I think I'll go just to remember what a SBC is supposed to look like. Maybe that will change things around. GPster


Well id like it to leave Joe.. I didnt feel to bad when i got up today and i finally got a little rest last night. Now is a different story. Im light headed and just feeling crummy. I heard there about 6 different flu bugs going around and of course they all affect people differently. Mine sure started out as a stomach flu but now i dunno what the hell it is.. I just got back from running over to my mother in laws and grabbing some stuff out of the garage that didnt get moved and I also made a run to advance auto for oil and filters for the car and truck. Id hoped to do the truck today but its not gonna happen. Also its cold out there! Windy and crummy.....


Quote from: Rayvyn
Quote from: "jusjunk"Ill prolly go. if i can..

Dear Sue,

Please let Davey/Barney/Jusjunk go to the auction this weekend. He has been a good boy the last week or so on the RRT, and I'm sure he has put his best foot forward at home.

He promises to take you linen shopping when he gets home, along with a nice dinner at your favorite restaraunt. He will also wash the dishes for a week, and help you with the vacuuming and dusting around the house.

I can vouch that he will be on his best behavior, and will not drink, swear or overspend during the auction.

He has expressed how deeply saddened he would feel to be away from you those few short hours, and how he would be thinking about you the entire time.

Can he please go??


Dont i hear grandma calling you >>OOPs sorry your lil sweet pea calling  :?: Humm maybe at her age its pee :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Ill bet she loves Gummy Bears....  ahhhhhh never mind..
Dave :arrow:


Quote from: jusjunk
Quote from: "Rayvyn"
Quote from: "jusjunk"Ill prolly go. if i can..

Dear Sue,

Please let Davey/Barney/Jusjunk go to the auction this weekend. He has been a good boy the last week or so on the RRT, and I'm sure he has put his best foot forward at home.

He promises to take you linen shopping when he gets home, along with a nice dinner at your favorite restaraunt. He will also wash the dishes for a week, and help you with the vacuuming and dusting around the house.

I can vouch that he will be on his best behavior, and will not drink, swear or overspend during the auction.

He has expressed how deeply saddened he would feel to be away from you those few short hours, and how he would be thinking about you the entire time.

Can he please go??


Dont i hear grandma calling you >>OOPs sorry your lil sweet pea calling  :?: Humm maybe at her age its pee :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Ill bet she loves Gummy Bears....  ahhhhhh never mind..
Dave :arrow:

Ya know, she came out of the beauty parlor today with her hair colored a flame rust tint.  :shock:  I said "What gave you that idea?" and she said "I saw that picture of Dave's coupe and thought it would be neat." 8)

She doing better at night, only getting up 3-4 times now. She asked me if she should see a doctor or just wait and see if it goes away. I said "Depends." :oops:

The gummy bears she likes, but it pulls her dentures out. So instead, she gets those free lollipops from the bank, and dunks them in her Metamucil when they're wet. I thought it tasted like grout when I tried it, but she seems to like it. :wink:

She tried making mashed potatos for dinner tonight, but somehow they don't taste the same when she adds the Ensure instead of milk. :roll:

I put a left hand turn signal on her walker so she'll feel right at home while she push-step-steps through Wal-Mart. :D

The greeter at Wal-Mart calls her "Mom". :!:

A clerk at Wal-Mart asked her what she was looking for. My sweetie said "ahroo". The clerk said "What?"  My honey said "ahroo".  I said "Put your dang teeth in, Myrtle".  So she took them out of the jar in her purse, put them in, and told the clerk "Bathroom"... :-o

I took her to an adult novelty shop for her birthday and told her she could get anything she wanted. She told the guy at the counter that she wanted a s*x toy. He sold her some no-doze and a defibulator... :wink:  :D
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


:ha)  :ha)  :ha)  :ha)  :ha)  :ha)

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


someone need professional help...
Dave :P