Wonder what Normal people think is an Old Car?

Started by Carnut, February 27, 2007, 07:38:13 PM

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Speaking of old phones and such, we had a party line at my folks house till I was about 14. A long distance call was a BIG deal, like when my dads family would call, from Grand Rapids. It was a really big occasion when my mothers family called from England, and that was maybe twice a year for maybe ten minutes. Now my daughter calls routinely on her way home from work in N.Carolina, and the call is free, 'cuz we're both on the same "plan".


Younger people generally have no idea about the relative ages of people or objects, and putting those pieces together is part of the 'fun' of growing up. Being on the other end might not be as much fun sometimes...

I was born in 1949, and have twice been asked by strangers whether I have owned my '30 sedan "from new"!

Of course, the older people are, the worse their memory is, so they can be just as much fun as the young. One old bloke asked if the car was a '34. I told him it was a '30, which he seemed to accept, then he asked what motor it had. I told him it was a V8 - "No! Its definitely a '34! Thats when the V8's came out, 1934!!"

Peter Crain
Peter Crain


Hmm, an old car to me is anything that was built yesterday.

But then I've already got a good handle on tomorrow's new car.   :wink:

Phone?  Heck all I do with mine is tell it who to call and voila, they are there saying, 'Hello'.

When I was a kid there was no TV, we listened to dad n Dave on the wireles or played board games for entertainment.  The town generator was turned off at 10:00 pm every noght so that's when we went to bed, coz the lights went out.

Back then most folks who travelled 'overseas' did exactly that, they travelled over the sea in a ship.  Flying was only for the very rich.  Now I frequently travel overseas and catch a plane with the same attitude as I did the school bus when I was a kid.

I love my old cars, they are very engaging and give me much pleasure, but then I still do a few things that I remember from my formative years, like building model cars.  

As for what's normal, it's the folks without a hobby who are not normal.  This weekend I've been to a model railroad show, a steam traction engine show and a car show and at each one, I was among like minded souls.  Folks who have an interest that keeps them active and alive, instead of bored watching TV or whatever 'normal' folks do.

Funny thing is I was just looking at a bunch of '32 Fords and Y'know, all of them are actually newer than my Daughter's ten year old Toyota.  

So I guess, all things considered, old when talking cars, especially hot rods,  may or may not be  anything more than a state of mind.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.