32 ford sales literature

Started by junkyardjeff, April 21, 2007, 10:04:21 PM

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I am going through some literature I have along with some from my dad that I am thinking about selling to a literature dealer but I have a  sales brochure for the 32 Fords and I think its going to be the one thats worth the most in the collection,I am selling the stuff that I no longer have the vehicles for and would anyone have any idea what a 32 Ford sales brochure would be worth as I would suspect the dealer wont give me anything close to what they are worth.  Jeff


You might try a search on eBay.....I've seen that type of stuff on there from time to time.....may at least give you an idea.I also see that stuff for sale on the FordBarn site quite often.....Good luck!
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