Battery Box Question

Started by Rayvyn, February 11, 2007, 06:13:57 AM

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Boxes, schmoxes!  If ya'all makes yer battery purdy enufff, ya don't need to hide it in a stinkin box!

I recently replaced the battery in my '33 (lives under floor in stock location) with an Oddesy battery.  Sucker delivers briliant performance has incredible warranty and comes already installed in a tight fitting steel box.  Like the Optima it can be mounted in almost any position except upside down but unlike the optima it is unlikely to break, even in a big crash.  I got mine on the recomnndation of four times Aussie Rally Champion Neil Bates who has been using them for years.  In fact last season they used up something like four or five cars to win the championship with the four seasons old Oddesy battery being the only item that was used in each.  Neil reckons they are indestructible and God nows he's tried real hard.


Now there is something else happening here that makes me very nervous.    Hiya Rodney, good to see ya here, but scary to think you've met The Rayvyn.   :shock: There's a good reason you guys live on opposite sides of the country and I'm not sure the world is ready for the two of you in the same place.   :wink:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


High Peter!  I was wunderin' how long it'd take to blow my proverbial cover.  You were right on it.  

It's not too late, I'm gunna go on and check out the Odyssey offerings as well.  You're battery is BEAUTIFUL!  You've actually given me an Idea!   :idea: Whatever kind of "stinking box" I end up usin', I'm gunna paint it all up to resemble . . . A BATTERY!  Yeah, maybe even with a chunk out of a lower-corner, with lead plates exposed . . . oh yeah, maybe even a little bolt of litenin' shootin' across from terminal to terminal...   :D Naw, maybe I aughtta save that for one of our own fleet.  RR