Some advice please

Started by grazza, January 17, 2007, 07:06:33 AM

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Hi guys, for a bit now I have been trying to win air cleaners off EPay, but keep getting nipped in the bud.  Now the Air Cleaner I have been trying to get my mitts on is one of those old days B&M twin filter doovies.  You know, the ones that bolt down to a single holley and have a filter over each tappet cover.  What I need to know is, if you can help, just what one of these suckers are worth over there in the good old US of A?  From what I can guess the things are nearly impossible to find over here in Australia so I have no idea if all the other bidders are stupid or if I am just tight with my money.  Advice gratefully accepted. thanks guys.

My Mind Is A Dangerous Place
I Should not be allowed to wander through there alone


If they are what I'm thinking, they're right on the edge of being out of style over here. I saw them all the time at Car shows in the 90's, but rarely see them anymore. There 'ought to be a whole bunch of them setting around in peoples garages.

As far as value, I don't have any idea. Does it look similar to this one by Holley?


The B&M ones are the same shape and size, but have ribs running along the length of them and the B&M logo on top, not the side like the Holley.  Actually if you took the Holley filter cover and stretched it out along the top of the filter you'd have what I'm looking at.  I think I read somewhere that Holley bought the B&M filter design, which is why B&M don't make them anymore.
As for being right on the edge of being out of style, hell that would be me  :arrow:   :wink:
My Mind Is A Dangerous Place
I Should not be allowed to wander through there alone

40 Chev

I have one of these but I'm not sure what I paid for it, however last year I saw a brand new one at Back to the Fifties and it was around $200.


The Holley ones (not as good looking as B&M IMHO) retail at around $250, so I guess I am in the right area (Ballpark?) with my EBay bidding.  I guess it is just another case of EGay stupidity where the bidding over rules commonsense.  I guess I'll just keep chipping away and who knows one day I might find the right one.  Thanks guys, once again the internet and a hot rod forum serves its purpose.
My Mind Is A Dangerous Place
I Should not be allowed to wander through there alone


My experience with Egay is that sometimes I feel there are a million people bidding against me and sometimes there seems to be nobody watching the auction I'm trying to get.
My rule is, bid what you would pay for the itam and if someine pays more, they just overpaid for it.
My 2 cents.



I've got to agree with BFS57 on that! Bid what you'd pay and watch the shipping charges and be done with it. If you see a one of a kind or hard to find item there are probably a lot of people intrested and you'll end up paying thru the nose. I've often found local parts stores or junk yards usually have what I want although some things are just hard to locate. My 2 cents.  oldmanolds


Quote from: "BFS57"hello;
My experience with Ebay is that sometimes I feel there are a million people bidding against me and sometimes there seems to be nobody watching the auction I'm trying to get.
My rule is, bid what you would pay for the itam and if someine pays more, they just overpaid for it.
My 2 cents.


While I agree with this statement in part, the real secret to winning an ebay auction is snipeing!  Why would you bid on an item before it's about to end?  You are only driving up the selling price.  (good for the seller, bad for the buyer).  I almost never lose an item that I really want.  Its no secret, but you must controll your urge to bid.  Make sure you are on a fast computer (not dialup!) and with less than 30 seconds left to the auction, place a bid for the HIGHEST amount you are willing to pay.  I can almost gaurentee you will win, and for a lot less than your higest bid!   Daniel.


Quote from: "T42"While I agree with this statement in part, the real secret to winning an ebay auction is snipeing!  Why would you bid on an item before it's about to end?  You are only driving up the selling price.  (good for the seller, bad for the buyer).  I almost never lose an item that I really want.  Its no secret, but you must controll your urge to bid.  Make sure you are on a fast computer (not dialup!) and with less than 30 seconds left to the auction, place a bid for the HIGHEST amount you are willing to pay.  I can almost gaurentee you will win, and for a lot less than your higest bid!   Daniel.


later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Even tho I don't do E-bay, I always figured that would be the way to go.  Unlike a regular auction that ends thas soon as bidding slows or stalls, there's a time.  Let everybody else bid if thay want, then jump in right as the hammer is about to fall and outbid them all with a bid that's only a poofteenth more than the last bid, or what you are prepared to pay (which may likely beat anyone else bidding a poofteenth higher than the last bid).

But Grazza, i gotta ask, why do you want an ugly piece of stuff like that on your beautiful car?   :wink:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Carps it will match the ugly piece of * he is building :lol:  :lol:


TJ's Dad

Quote from: "Carps"

But Grazza, i gotta ask, why do you want an ugly piece of stuff like that on your beautiful car?

Two words never allowed in the same sentence ........

Grazza n Beautiful

That wins 'The Oxymoron Award of the Year"

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
I\'d rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomomy !!!

ASRF Life Member

VHRA Member.

chris spokes

8) hey grazza why not ask 40chev if he'll sell you his one? then you won't be worried about being pipped at the post :roll:  :lol:  :wink:
he who has the most toys wins


Bloody Australians, why dont you puss off?  I'm here having an inteligent conversation over a couple of quiet beers and you mob turn up, whats wrong, nothing to do over at your place?
An TJ's Dad, you can be a nasty piece of work some times you know :arrow:  :wink:
Carps, thank you - I think  :?:
Oh yea, 40Chev, dont suppose you want to move that cleaner on to another place do you?
My Mind Is A Dangerous Place
I Should not be allowed to wander through there alone


I don't think that waiting till the end gets the object. Although I have dial up. I have fought till the end of an auction and thought I won to find out someone else was the winner. Thats when I changed my technique. Just bid what it is worth to you and be done with it!
2 more cents!!
