Thieves strike again

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, April 14, 2004, 11:50:56 PM

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Most people are unaware of the microchipped keys, they will not allow the vehicle to crank over unless that key is able to communicate with the PCM.

Even if you lost your keys, If another key is made and programmed to the vehicle the old key would no longer work in that vehicle.

these keys called PATS keys have the larger bulkier black casing on the back of the key.


So,did they catch them????? Or at least ID them?
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Some thieves are aware of the chip but a lot of cars now have the system bypassed if they have and automatic starter on them.  I dont know around you but around here they do a booming bussiness with them and a lot of high line cars have them installed and the customer is un aware the system has been bypassed with a resistor .  So if you have a remote starter maybe ask the installer if he has bypassed your system.  They tried to steal a AMG mercedes here about a year ago....2am  and they did not get it,3000 dollars in damage and we have cameras also.  It was kind of hard to see the kid doing it but  with great luck the cops pulled them over 20 feet from our gate and did  a check on them for DUI.  They let them go till we reported it the next morning.  Kid turns out to be a student at YALE!!! Detective hauled him in and bluffed him with the tape that really didnt show him that well.  Well Mom and Dad did not want there son to be a criminal so they paid 5 grand because he was going to be a doctor some day  LOL He ll we took the money and ran as it would have taken forever in court the cop said. Never could understand what some puke from Yale thought he was going to do with a high profile car like a AMG?  Probaly put the wheels and badges on his Dads car LOL
Old racers go in deep and come out hard