While i was surfing tonite.

Started by Dave, April 19, 2004, 06:52:20 PM

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I just came in from the shop and I'm pooped but I glanced at those courses and they definitely look like they'd be worth reading sometime.  For now they're a bookmark.  Thanks :D


Hmmm!  I work for the Marketing Department at BWD and this if the first I've seen of it.  Hello, left hand; this is right hand!

To the world you\'re just one person; but to one person, you might be the world.


I've book marked it for future "opportunities" ...sooner or later!   Thanks, :wink:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR  ...is something you pay when you get on the bus!


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I hat fwd's LOL Maybe i should have read the whole course  :?:
Dave :idea: