Another Update on "Just Steve" PLUS..........

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, June 01, 2006, 01:25:05 PM

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Steve is home, still dealing with his tracheotomy though but is able to be up and around. I have personally not talked to him yet. My info is coming from a mutual friend. I'll give it a couple of weeks then I do plan on calling him and catching up. Steve's a GREAT guy and I know we all wish him a speedy recovery.

If you'd like to add a get well message to the original post, go here

Also, there is going to be a benefit for Steve on July 22, in Osceola, Wisc. at Oakey Park. It starts at noon and is a potluck. There is going to be a silent auction, a donation bucket and other stuff to help raise some funds for the Hendricksons. As we can all imagine when something like this happens it can dramaticly effect the whole family, emotionally and finanically. If you can help, please stop by and offer your support. More info on this event as the time gets closer.

On a more personal note, I plan on walking in the "Relay for Life" this weekend. It's an American Cancer Society fund raiser. The company I work for, BrightHouse Networks, is a HUGE sponsor. Because this 24 hour walk has always been held on the first weekend of June, I've never attended. I've alway thought the NSRA York show or BilletProof was more important. I've seen the error of my ways and I'm making plans to walk very late on Saturday nite or very early on Sunday monring, this weekend.

I'm walking in honor of Steve Hendrickson, "Just Steve", Mick, "Lurker Mick", and Don, "OF&OF", all of who have been sticken with Cancer lately. I do realize Mick and Don might come as a shock to lots and I do appologize for springing this on you like this.

I haven't spent much time, none actually, making a fancy webpage for donations. I feel like I've been pulled in so many directions lately BUT I know you guys don't need to see fancy graphics to understand how important even a small donation to the cause can help.

I don't ask for much from you guys but I am asking you all to donation something in honor of Steve, Mick, Don and all the other HAMB members that have been stricken with this awful disese.

Please go to this link and donate to the "Relay for Life" fundraiser this weekend. EA1012E2134708AAE5594337324DF0

You'll need to enter my full name Denise Sheldon

I thank you all, in advance, from the bottom of my heart for helping out.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Thanks for taking time to participate in this worthy cause.My grandson is 9 years old and is very passionate about participating in these types of events/fund raisers......he has a very outgoing personality and has no problem hitting people up for donations.....he rarely gets turned down and usually raises quite a chunk of $$ for his efforts.It looks like you and your team have reached your goals.....Not that I had any doubts with you involved  :P ......I hope you surpass your goal 10X! Also,I'd like to offer encouragement and prayers to the members here and on the HAMB that are affected by this menacing disease.
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Thanks guys for the support.  
Tell Josh I wished we lived closer together so him and I could team up.  I'm a pour donations collector, I don't like asking at all.  That's probley why I put it off for so long when I knew I'd be walking 6 months ago.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Here is some info on a benefit and other things we can do for Steve. I have had friends go through one or the other disease bun not both. My thoughts are with him and his family.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.



thanks for bouncing this back up. i had forgotten  :oops:  to make a donation.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"Steve is home, still dealing with his tracheotomy though but is able to be up and around. I have personally not talked to him yet. My info is coming from a mutual friend. I'll give it a couple of weeks then I do plan on calling him and catching up. Steve's a GREAT guy and I know we all wish him a speedy recovery.

Hey Denise, please tell him we're all thinkin of him down here.  We met a couple of times only and you're right on when you say he's a good bloke.  Tell him if he aint at the '07 Nat's i'm just gunna hafta come lookin for him.

That oughta make him move, even if it's just to find somewhere to hide.   :wink:  :lol:  :lol:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


I've never met Steve but his posts tell a lot.  He is always supportive of others and quick to offer help.  Even tho most of his posts lately are on the HAMB, Steve was one of the original, very active members of the first RRT in the '90's.  He is in my prayers.


Denise, bless your heart for doing this.  Due to my fairly recent diagnosis I hadn't been involved or even knowledgeable about the "Relay for Life" program.  As I've found out it is a big deal around here with most of the cities organizing their own "walk".  My wife Linda and I participated in the Ogden, Utah walk last week and were overwhelmed by the support of local businesses and individuals.  There is a lot of love out there.
I have learned that you, my friends, and my family are far more important than any material things an individual may acquire.  I have the good fortune to have friends from all over the USA, Canada, and Australia calling me and wishing me well.  What a wonderful bunch of people.  All of you need to realize what a great fraternity we have and take every opportunity to get together for whatever reason.  Mickey and I have been buddies for more than 47 years and many of you have met us as we have traveled to many places together.  Now we both face a serious situation, together.  We intend to be at the salt for Speedweek and any other event that we can attend.  We love all of you guys and hope so see you soon.  Even you Bobby :lol:
Thanks to all of you and best wishes to Steve.
Don Palfreyman


Don, I'm so pleased to hear your "voice".  I've been thinking about both you and Micky alot lately and I've wanted to reach out without feeling like I'm intruding.  Sometimes a person just doesn't know what to say.  I know thats usual for me. :lol:

I'm very proud of my car buds for caring enough to donate.  The response was overwhelming and I thank them, and you and Linda for participating.

I'm also vey proud of the company I work for.  We had 71 employees who collected donations and walked along with making and selling items and donating the proceeds.  My company raised over $10,000 and donated another $20,000 in advertising time to promote the relay.  It made me feel really good to walk and I know Rudy felt the same way.  I believe this worthy cause will be something we both will be involved in for years to come.

I don't believe Roadstar and I will be making it to the salt this year.  He started a new job a couple of months ago and just doesn't have the time off.  We are both bummed but there is nothing that can really be done unless we wanted to do the fly in and rent a car for the weekend kinda thing but we both believe it just wouldn't be the same without our hot rods.

If you need anything at all, and I mean anything, please don't hesitate to ask.  All you rodding buds from around the world are here for you.

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Hey Don Sr. You're back! :)

I've been keeping half an eye out on the RRT for you (since you don't reply to my PMs), but it seems your back and nothing can keep you from the salt.

All the best from down here. Have fun at the salt. Might see you there in a few years. :)
Yes it is Grandad\'s Old Rambler!
