I hate it when I do this

Started by Normspeed, July 31, 2006, 01:54:27 PM

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I was tinkering with my dual carb linkage and decided I needed a couple coils less in the return spring.  Somehow as I was wrapping the spring around the linkage rod, I managed to pierce my finger with the end of the spring.  Odd thing was, I couldn't seem to pull my finger away from the linkage. Turns out it pierced my finger and came back out in another spot, attaching me to the linkage.  Of course, I was draped over the fender and the motor was running and any attempt to get loose just goosed the throttle.  Luckily I had a needlenose within reach and after a few minutes I was able to straighten enough coils to get the nippers down close and cut myself free.  I couldn't resist snapping a photo before I backed the spring out like you would a fish hook.   BTW, the carbs are synched up real nice now.

Charlie Chops 1940

Aha - you're licensed to practice surgery now.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Quote from: "Normspeed"I was tinkering with my dual carb linkage and decided I needed a couple coils less in the return spring.  Somehow as I was wrapping the spring around the linkage rod, I managed to pierce my finger with the end of the spring.  Odd thing was, I couldn't seem to pull my finger away from the linkage. Turns out it pierced my finger and came back out in another spot, attaching me to the linkage.  Of course, I was draped over the fender and the motor was running and any attempt to get loose just goosed the throttle.  Luckily I had a needlenose within reach and after a few minutes I was able to straighten enough coils to get the nippers down close and cut myself free.  I couldn't resist snapping a photo before I backed the spring out like you would a fish hook.   BTW, the carbs are synched up real nice now.

Dam dude thats hurts me just looking at the pic. Make it go away mommy
:!:  :x  :x


Hey Norm, you're single.  Leave it in there and go hang out at the mall.  Them young chicks will love ya.   Ask them if they want to see the other part of the spring... ~:)


That is the reason I keep my tetnus shot up-to-date. GPster


JOB SECURITY!!!!!!!!  :lol:  8)

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Thank goodness you weren't fooling with the driveshaft... :shock:  :D

I'll bet a few choice words were uttered... :x  :cry:  :D
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Good thing you don't FISH.  Those hooks have barbs on the end. (Don't ask me how many times I've been to the emergency ward for that one) :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:





Well, Norm,.....No piano lessons for you for a few days.

blksheep...bleeding sucks...in Charlotte


Hey Donsrods, ol NormSpeed has done lots of fishin, and campin on those gulf spoil islands in your backyard.  Back when he lived in Fort Lauderdale.  Now he does his fishin in the California mountains, and under the hood of his Momad, I guess.  Hey Norm, I showed that picture to some folks at work today, at lunch - it was great.

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


Maybe I can diversify...Norm's Speed Shop and Body Piercing.

As awful as it looks, it came out lots easier than a fish hook, and today it only hurts a little.  I dropped by the Dr. and renewed my tetanus booster this afternoon.  

This was more fun than the time I got my finger caught in the belt drive garage door opener.   Hmmm, maybe I should switch to stamp collecting.


It's OK Norm, I can wait for your business. :shock:

I ran on a guy the other day at a construction site, shot a 16 penny nail thru his left knee cap. :oops:

was framing a new house here in town, climbing a ladder with his finger on the trigger of his framing gun................ya'all can figger out the rest :wink:

he was in some kinda hurt when we finally got him to the ER :x

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Norm, showed your Hand-E-Work to a cycle rider at work today.  He related a story he heard of a cool biker dude who cranked his bike up to 70 or so, set the cruise control, and reached both hands up to close the face shield on his strapped on helmet.  Seems the gloves, with the velcro well sinched down, both got caught in the visor tightening thingies on the sides of the helmet.  There he sat, 70 or so miles per, no hands, and starting to get close to a town.  So you could have been worse off, somehow.  Oh yeah, seems the biker guy finally got one hand free before he ate it, Go finger I mean figure.

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


A guy I work with was recently using his gas powered weed wacker, and the little trigger broke and the spring underneath it went right through his finger, just about like yours did.

He came into the kitchen and his wife yelled at him for bringing the weed wacker with him, until he explained it was impaled through his finger and he couldn't let go of it. They had to call one of our other techs to his house with a pair of side cut pliers, and he snipped it off, and they went to the hospital to get it removed.

Long story short, he contacted the weed wacker company, and they settled for $ 2500.00 cash, and a new weed wacker.  Trouble is, he's afraid to use the new one for fear it happens again. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
