Big Olds Make over Sat April 3, 2004

Started by Jimc, March 25, 2004, 08:58:02 AM

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Come one, Come all!
You are invited to the biggest one day Big Olds Make Over!!!

The event will be held at FAb32's shop!
Bring sand paper, tape, primer, what ever, or just bring yourself.

A link follows to the post on the HAMB and it it is the address.
In one of the replies(Donzie, I believe) there is even a map.

Link to map.

This promises to be a great event.
At this time, there are several "out of towners" scheduled to be there, even from our northern neighbor, Canada.

Denise has done more for the promotion of both boards and furthering our hobby as well as creating and fostering friendships.

This should be more fun than work, but the plan is to get quite a lot of work done on Big Olds.

Thanks, for HRLC and Do hope to see as many as can attend.
I would really enjoy meeting you all.

Life in the fast lane aint so great. Just ask the opossum


Quote from: "Jimc"This promises to be a great event.
At this time, there are several "out of towners" scheduled to be there, ...snip...

I would really enjoy meeting you all.

So I'm assuming you're going to be one of the out of towners?  It sounds like a lot of fun an it'll be nice to see you again.  I guess I'd better get there early before you eat all the cookies... :roll:


Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "Jimc"This promises to be a great event.
At this time, there are several "out of towners" scheduled to be there, ...snip...

I would really enjoy meeting you all.

So I'm assuming you're going to be one of the out of towners?  It sounds like a lot of fun an it'll be nice to see you again.  I guess I'd better get there early before you eat all the cookies... :roll:

George, you are going to have to get up pretty early.
I do like cookies, especially Chocolate chip cookies by HLRC Cookie International.
Life in the fast lane aint so great. Just ask the opossum


"I do like cookies, especially Chocolate chip cookies by HLRC Cookie International." Me Too....but....I'm 800+ miles away :( Have a "Warm One" for me :P
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Quote from: "40""I do like cookies, especially Chocolate chip cookies by HLRC Cookie International." Me Too....but....I'm 800+ miles away :( Have a "Warm One" for me :P

I should have done a better job of proofreading, It should read HRLC, Cookie International.

1800 miles is only 400 more than my 1400.
With today's modern highway system, it would be a "piece of cake"

Life in the fast lane aint so great. Just ask the opossum


I was just there a few weeks ago for the Autorama....It's not the distance that sucks,it's the fact that I have to drive thru Chicago :roll: I am just starting a very large custom home and have just hired a couple of new framers...I better stick close to home for a few weeks and keep an eye on the new help :wink: It does sound like fun though!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

Smokin Joe

Wish I could be there for HRLC!
Hot Rod Lady's Cookies!
Sounds like a fun event. Hope lots gets done on Big Olds!
I know that car doesn't like to sit around... :D


Well, we're waiting to find out what happened and want pictures. Had to go to page to to revive this topic. I don't think there's any way to post pictures on the CHAT tonight so you might as well tell everybody. GPster


Here' what I posted over on the HAMB.  For more comments from other folks and a ton-o-photos, feel free to check out the post on the HAMB.

Where do I even start???

First off I must thank HATCH for coming up with this idea and implimenting it. Without his vision, it never would have all come together.

Then theres my very special buddy FAB32. Yes, his shop is great, the most awesome one I've ever been in, but he's more then just a cool car guy with a cool shop. Frank (FAB32) is the most down to earth, caring, generous person I know. He's a true friend who listens to my troubles and woes, along with my dreams and desires, and gives me needed advice not only from his lifes experiences but from his heart as well. Thank you Frank, from the bottom of my heart, for an awesome weekend spent with many friends, not just car buddies, but true friends. We all worked our asses off but had an great time doing so and it was all possible because of you and your lovely wife Sharon's hospitality.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank JimC and his lovely wife Judy who drove all the way from Joplin, MO to help this weekend. I don't know how many miles it is but I do know they were on the road for over 16 on Friday to get to Frank's place. Jim and Judy are two of the nicest people in this world. It's no wonder FAB32's wife and JIMC's wife got along so well. They were chit chatting for hours on end like they've known each other for years. JIM, thank you for helping to make this weekend one of the most memoriable ever.

I'd also like to thank my very good buddy PURPLEPICKUP for coming. George has always been there for me and Big Olds thru the years and yesterday was no exception. George's guidance and encouragment thru the years has given me the strenght to try to do alot of mechanical things for myself and now, because you took the time to guide me thru some of the bodywork phases, I think I might have the confidence to try to do the rest of the sanding and body work myself. Thank you George, once again, for being there for me.... and for the spooning, that was one of the many highlights of the day  

I'd also like to thank KUSTOMBUILDER for the awesome hood peeking job. I know you spent many, many hours BEFORE you even got to Franks and then you spent ALL DAY yesterday standing over that hood again and then more hours today! You are a perfectionist! Thank you so much for all your hard work. I know your back was killing you, hence I owe you a backrub. I'd like to thank STUDEBOY for helping out KUSTOMBUILDER on the hood project. Everyone needs a right hand man plus moral support when your tackling a big project like peeking that hood. I'm sure Mike appreicated your help as much as I did.

I also want to thank CHERRYBLOSSOM for all the BBQing and food prep stuff that went on yesterday. You were a huge help and always fun to be around. We didn't get to spend as much time chatting girly stuff as we normally do but I sure hope you had a good time.

A specail thanks to LEVIS CLASSIC, KRITZ, and HATCH for all the welding expertise. All the patch panel areas look awesome. You can not tell where any work has been done anywhere on Big Olds. You guys rock!

I'd like to thank DONZIE, FUEL PUMP, FAST ELVIS, DIRTY T and JDUBBYA for all the tedious sanding and taping off you guys did. Big Olds is a huge car and there was lot that needed to be done. Without you guys, it never woulda gotten done in a day.

I'd like to thank ENJENJO, FART CAT, and HOT ROD GIRL for coming and helping out. I sure hope you guys had fun cuz I sure enjoyed your company and I'm looking forward to the BBQ trailer build at your place in a couple of weeks.

There's a few guys that I'd like to add a very special heartfelt thank you to for monatary donations. SHOEBOX72, HOT ROD PRIMER, and JIMC. You guys we're very, very generous. Me and Big Olds appreciate it very, very much. I had no clue how expensive body work materials are. Your generous donations eased that burden alittle. Thank you sooooo much.

Shoebox72, it was loud inside alot of the time with the DA's, grinders, etc going. I never heard the phone ring. Sure wish you would have left a message. I would have called you back. There's always next time  

I'd like to add one more thank you and that's to a fellow that most of you don't know. His name is Eric Allen and he's a very talented painter buddy of Kritz's. He had expressed an interest in painting Big Olds so he came along for the day to check out the project and so him and I could meet and discuss things. He just didn't stand back and watch everyone else work, this guy jumped in with both hands and both feet. If he saw something that wasn't perfect, he made it perfect. He's a bodywork god. A perfectionist to the core. After dicussing, off to the side with a few folks, "who's going to actually spray the new primer on Big Olds", we all came to the conclusion that Eric would be the best man for the job and lucky for me he agreed. This kid knows what he's doing. You'll hear his name in the future thats for sure.

I'm hoping to get enough of the rest of the sanding and blocking done myself so that I can actually afford the cost of him painting copper shiney paint on Big Olds sometime soon.

Once again, a huge thank you to all that showed up yesterday to devote their time and effort to Big Olds and thanks to those that brought supplies and tools to share. I hope to be able to do the same for all of you one of these days.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Sounds like everyone had a great time...we stripped/stacked basement forms for 10 hours on Saturday...I'm sure you guys were working your butts off but somehow your job sounds like a lot more fun :wink: Look forward to seeing the finished product!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"