The 37 is now painted!

Started by Pep, June 26, 2006, 02:30:01 AM

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You know Frank, I have asked for advise from many rodders. Here, there, and evrywhere. I take everthing on board. Your advise has been used many times. Even though it hasn't been pointed out specfically, I can assure you that there are many times I recall you mentioning something directly, of indirectly, while I am thinking about how I going to attack a certain aspect of the build. It's guys like you and others on forums like this that I publically thank. That is about all the help I ever get. That's probably why its taken this long. I think its more rewarding anyway.
 I remember my first post on the old RRT when I mentioned after reading post by you, C9, and many others, that I said I was a babe in the woods compared to you guys. I'm still in the woods, but at least I now have a big axe, thanks to you and alike :wink:
See Ya