Lost A couple old Friends (Not what you think)

Started by BFS57, May 15, 2006, 08:39:46 AM

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Yes, Lost at least two! Junk Yards that is! The really bad part is these were only a few blocks from my house and I have visited them for many years!
Finally, the sprawling urban thing has happened! I hadn't been down that way recently and was shocked to find that these two junk yards (really close to the housing explosion here in Orlando) had changed to only towing. One yard that had tons of cars in it, was CLEAN! I couldn't even believe that!
It's getting so that the land these establishments are on is so valuable to developers that you almost can't blame someone for selling out!
Is this the wave of the future?


They are probably going to become Time Shares and in a few years you'll have to pay somebody to take them off your hands. GPster


Down my way wreckers (junk yards) are closing down as they are becoming uneconomically viable because of cheap imported parts and for other reasons.
Because of the high cost of steel we now have scrap metal merchants traveling to country towns buying any sort of motor vehicle they can get their hands on and crushing them for $30 / tonne to be sent of to china to appease their huge demand.
Like it's not hard enough now to find that dream car as it is.
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.


Bruce:  Were these out on RT 50?  I used to live in Altamonte, then Deltona, and I think I remember some good yards on this road.

There used to be some good yards in Orange City and Deland, wonder if they are still there?



I have heard stories of the scrap guys flying around in helicopters with GPS gear spotting sites for latter removal.  Many good cars have been destroyed and are probably coming back to us as a cheap imported consumer item, what a waste!!


58 Yeoman

We lost a really big yard about 40 miles from me a couple years ago.  Mostly because the owner was a bit crooked with the state; doing things he shouldn't have done.  They finally had it with his shenanigans and closed him down.  Made him crush everything.  He had cars up and down the hills and in ravines, plus some hidden away.  That was too bad; he was a nice guy if you weren't the state boys.

A large late model yard about 2 miles from me is starting to sweat being crowded out by urban sprawl.  He used to be surrounded by corn fields, now the houses are closing in.  Last summer, he painted all his buildings, put up new fences with the sight barriers, and is trying to keep everything looking good.  It won't be long before the homeowners start complaining anyway.  The city of Peru ran out of places to build, so they're heading west towards the yard.  He's been there ever since I can remember, and I'm 55.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


To any of you in the Orlando Florida area, the two wrecking yards that have made the big change (remember I said that they are now towing co's) are Airport Towing and what used to be Big Al's. These establishments are on Narcossee Road right near the (getting over developed) Lake Nona Area.
I wonder whats next!, I still see some model airplane (Radio Controlled) flying in near by vacent pastures which has gone on several years. They are next to go!
The worst part is the developers make these "townhomes" which attract some of the worst elements around because of lower prices offered by developers to fill their crappy places they build!