Anyone going to Back to the 50's Minnesota?

Started by Kobies Kool 40, May 18, 2006, 09:52:43 PM

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Kobies Kool 40

Wondering if anyone is heading to the Twin Cites for Back to the 50's weekend (June23 thru 25).  It's been a few years since I went down but what a blast!  It's held at the State Fairgounds and all they let in is '64 and older, at least that's what it was the last time I went.  Turn out is typically 10,000 plus.  Walk around a full eight hours and you don't see half of them.  Gets to the point halfway thru the day when it seems like you're walking thru a Walmart parking lot.  Unless something grabs your eye (awesome paint job or motor sticking three feet out the hood for example) it's just another vehicle.  One year they had a Barney Fife impersonator, complete with squad car, that drove around and got out at intersections to direct traffic.  That's one of the fun parts too, people constantly cruising the streets, rumbling by as your walking.  Vehicles from opening stages of resto (barely street legal) to the high dollar ones that probably came to the fairgrounds in a trailer.  They also have a gondola ride that you can take thru the grounds so you can get the overhead view.  Swappers meet was on Sunday, don't know if that's still the case.  Go to to check it out.  Anyway, hope to hear from anyone planning on going.



I'll be going again,  I think this makes 12 or 13 years.  Its a great place to go if your building something, lots of venders.  Last year they had 11,000 plus registered.  Used to be we would cruise around all day long but now there are so many people you really can't.  



Wouldn't miss it. I have a brother who lives there, so kill two birds seeing him & his family & a great collection of just about any type of car imaginable. Hope we can set up a meet & greet again. Larry.


I'll be there! Bob,did you get a room from Bob K??
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Yea Daryle,  We got several rooms from him.  See ya there.
