Dry lakes hot rod movie

Started by purplepickup, February 01, 2006, 08:10:45 PM

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I'm sure many of you have seen this before but I lead a pretty sheltered life and I just watched it for the first time tonight.  It's a 12 minute movie about Mel, a '50's street racer * sort of guy, that gets turned on to the safe sport of sanctioned drag and lakes racing and is transformed into a cool hot rodder....and everyone lived happily ever after.  I thought it was pretty cool.  Definitely vintage footage.  8)  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5851344091937046529&q=old+hot+rod+movie

I noticed a lot of the background stuff the second time I watched it....like the motorcycle cop's ticket pad.  It looks like he laid his scooter down on it a couple of times.


Wish I still had that much hair! Loved the movie even though I don't have sound here at work.
I would be interested to see the new movie with Anthony Hopkins "the Last Indian" It's about lake racing, I think.


Quote from: "BFS57"new movie with Anthony Hopkins "the Last Indian" It's about lake racing, I think.

Worlds Fastest Indian.  Supposed to be a true story about a guy from New Zealand or Australia.