Stolen Trailer

Started by Leon, January 20, 2006, 12:54:54 PM

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This is from a freind of mine.

Dear Friends,  On  1/19/06, my white Chalet trailer was stolen from out in front of my home at 1908 Belle Terrace,  Bakersfield, CA.  It was fully loaded with all my gear and Easy-up canopy. A 10,000. dollar trailer with over 1,800. in gear inside...ready for our next outing doing volunteer safety inspections for NSRA. The trailer is white with a center stripe of green &
purple.  It stands about 3-4 foot off the ground in the fold down, travel mode.  LICENSE #  07 NSRA .  I am a widow, on a limited pension.  This trailer saved me a lot of travel expense.  Please,  If you see it, call 911
as an all points bulletin has gone out on it  They want to fingerprint it, etc, don't touch it.  
   Lynn Hubbard, Southwest Calif. Safety Inspector


Man I HATE thieves!!! :evil: I had a trailer stolen several years ago....Did I mention I HATE thieves.....never was recovered.Hope your friend has better luck!Probably not much chance of it showing up in the Mid-West but you never know.
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

Land Yacht

Thieves are among the lowest people on earth. I hope it is found.
1965 Impala SS 283/250 -sold- :(
1977 Chevy Caprice -totaled 2005 :(

1999 Chevy S-10 ZR2  Bacon Getter

TJ's Dad

A few years back a friend and fellow Towing service operator bought a tandem car trailer advertised in a newspaper for a moderate price ...... the very first time he used it he backed down a driveway and loaded a car on board and was chatting to the customer when a police car blocked his exit and 2 policemen approached him ..... the trailer was stolen and the rightful owner lived in the adjoining property ....... I've often wondered what the odds of that happening in a city of 4 million were.

The trailer went back to the original owner, the thief was caught and recieved a slap on the wrist and was treated like a victim because the poor soul had an addiction to heroin   ....   to this day my mate is still $1500.00 out of pocket !!

Good luck with finding yours .
I\'d rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomomy !!!

ASRF Life Member

VHRA Member.



I hate those low life bums out to rip people off! I was weed wacking my back yard at 4pm when a thief went in my garage and stole my pressure washer!!
Did you all hear about a recent retrival of a stolen Corvette!! The car is a 1968 model that was stolen from a garage in 1969! Thats the last the owner saw it! Two weeks (or so ) ago, some customs agents were checking a container shipping to Sweden, saw this car and decided to run the vin to find out it was stolen! Customs seized the car and then played hell to find the rightful owner but they did!
When the car was stolen, it was metallic blue, it's now silver. There was hardly any mileage added to the car since it was stolen! When the owner got it back he said, " this car was the only car I really loved!"
Glad to see a happy ending even if it is almost 37 years after the fact!

Bruce Dorsi

Quote from: "BFS57"Customs seized the car and then played hell to find the rightful owner but they did!

Just out of curiosity:

If an insurance company had paid off a claim for the stolen car back in 1969, would the original owner still be entitled to receive the car, or would it "technically" belong to the insurance company?

Doesn't the insurance company require surrender of title before they will pay off a claim for an un-recovered theft or a "total?"

I realize that an insurance company may not care after all these years, but could they legally recover the amount they paid out on the claim, if the owner got the car back?

Maybe, I think too much.  Or, maybe, not enough!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


Quote from: "Bruce Dorsi"
Quote from: "BFS57"Customs seized the car and then played hell to find the rightful owner but they did!

Just out of curiosity:

If an insurance company had paid off a claim for the stolen car back in 1969, would the original owner still be entitled to receive the car, or would it "technically" belong to the insurance company?

Doesn't the insurance company require surrender of title before they will pay off a claim for an un-recovered theft or a "total?"

I realize that an insurance company may not care after all these years, but could they legally recover the amount they paid out on the claim, if the owner got the car back?

Maybe, I think too much.  Or, maybe, not enough!

I know of a case here, where the car was recovered several years later. The owner had to pay back what the insurance paid out to him, but it was still his car. It may not be the same in all states.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Hello again;
Can you imagine what the car was worth in 1969 and what it's worth today! Yeah man. I'd get a loan to pay back a insurance co.
I don't know all the juicy details about this but i did see the owner getting in his car on t.v.!


Quote from: "Bruce Dorsi"
If an insurance company had paid off a claim for the stolen car back in 1969, would the original owner still be entitled to receive the car, or would it "technically" belong to the insurance company?

Doesn't the insurance company require surrender of title before they will pay off a claim for an un-recovered theft or a "total?"


I read the article about the Vette recovery and it stated that the Vette was not insured.

SO no insurance was paid SO the original had ALL rights to the recovered Vette... :D

Oh Yeah.....I HATE a #@^* thief .... phone, no work and No money  :?

58 Yeoman

Didn't the Vette also have a different enging w/auto trans put into it since it was stolen?
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


I do not remember reading that, but it is entirely possible......not many 1968 anythings have the original least around my house.... phone, no work and No money  :?


the news story I saw said that it didn't have any transmission in it.


Story from a friend, I don't think I posted this before.  A friend of mine runs a junk yard north of town here, where I got the chrome for 58 Yoeman.  Anyway, a couple of years ago, he gets a call from a guy he knows who has an early Mustang (67 I think) that is stripped that he has had for quite a few years.  He was wondering if Buzz wants it, and they agree to trade some stuff from the yard for the car.  The guy delivers the car, and Buzz puts it in the yard.  A couple of weeks later, he has time to look things over and checks the serial number, which he recognized right away.  The car was stolen from him 17 years ago.  Pretty good when your stolen car gets delivered back to you.  The guy he got it back from was not the thief.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST