Has this ever happened to you?

Started by alchevy, December 28, 2005, 12:45:12 PM

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A funny thing happened the other day while I was driving my new HHR. I started hearing a sound and started trying to figure out what it was. It was sounding like: unnnnnnd unnnnnnnd unnnnnnnnd then it would stop, later it would do the same thing all over again unnnnnnnnd unnnnnnnnnnd unnnnnnnnnd. Then I stopped the HHR and took the key out of the ignition. It sounded like something was trying to do something....like when a windshield wiper water container is empty and you try to squirt water on the windshield. Now, remember I said that the key is out of the ignition. The sound happens again. By this time I'm getting worried. Then I pick up my cell phone and notice I have three missed calls on it and it is on vibrate mode only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This incident made me ponder the question: How many times do we notice something like this and take the car to the shop and they can't find out what is wrong with it BECAUSE you have your cell phone with ya. You get the car home from the shop and it starts happening again.
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.





That's funny! good thing you found it before you took it back to the dealer.
I'll have to add that to all the reasons that i have to not own a cell phone! :lol:


Thats too funny.  :lol:  :lol:

a few years back we got new pagers, they had a vibrate

was setting in morning muster when the Supervisors wife
paged him, he about jumped thru the roof.  :shock:

guess you had to be there.  :?

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


One day last year, I went out to do a service call on a problem spa pack (pump, heater, etc.) The first thing I always do is shut down the power, cuz 220V has a tendency to wake you up the hard way. Just as I was touching 2 contacts with my test leads, my cell phone complete with vibrator, goes off.  :shock:  :shock:  :shock: As soon as I went home to change my tightie whities, we went back to the job site to finish trouble shooting the system. The phone stayed in the truck

John :D
If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??


Funny Story!! Here's my latest reason to dislike cell phones....A friend of mine from high school was home for the Holidays and we decided to do some pheasant hunting.We are walking a wide,tree/brush lined creek,my dog is working perfectly and her and I are pointing/flushing lots of birds but unfortunately they are all flying toward my buddy and I can't safely shoot his direction due to the timber etc blocking my view.Dozens of roosters fly his way but he never fires his gun.....when we get to a narrower part of the creek where we can see each other,I ask him what the hell the problem was???He said a dozen or so roosters flew right by him but he couldn't shoot because he was answering a call on his cell phone  :x  It was a buddy of his just wondering what he was doing :roll:
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Thats hillarious Al

Neither of these have to do with cars but I will share them anyways.....

Last year I was having trouble in math so I went in after school to get help, well, it was only me and the teach and she was showing me how to do a problem and my crotch starts vibrating. It was real quiet in there so you could hear it vibrate. It was my dad calling me, It went on for a minute then stopped, i was releived. Then it started again to let me know that i had a missed call and a new voicemail. That old lady probably didnt even notice, thank goodness.

Another funny one, I bought a new TV, i set it up and it has big green spots in both lower corners. Well I was mad because it was a brand new TV. I took it back and they wouldn't let me return it because they didnt see the spots. Finally after arguing they gave me a new one. This tv did the same thing. Took it back, argued some more got a new tv. On the 3rd TV I realized I had my speakers too close to the tv and they messed with the colors. Ok, problem solved right? Nope! This tv was actually messed up, the image kept getting distorted for no reason. Speakers weren't even nearby anymore. It took me almost 5 hours to convince them to give me a new TV. I kind of feel sorry for all the people I yelled at.


Mr Cool

Im probably going a little off the original topic here, but still relevant anyway.
Working on an electrical switchboard one day, power was shut of completely and light was a bit low and hard to see what I was connecting, so I asked my employee to "light up". Well he did, and got his * ciggy lighter out and flick - sparks fly from the flint and a little flame appears right next to my hand. I pulled my hands out as quick as I could as it startled me quite a bit and ripped the skin off the back of my hands. Im bleeding all over the place and he's rolling around larfin himself silly.
Eventually he says sorry and got his mobile phone out which has a LED torch in it, shines it into the switchboard and then he gets a call, phone rings reallly loud and vibrates in his hand, this time he jumped a mile, drops the phone, and Im larfin at him for a change. He thought I was electrocuting him as revenge. Sometimes things just happen for a reason.  :lol:
Im nobody, right?
And dont forget, nobody\'s perfect.


One of our dealers had a prroblem with aa Hilux V6 having a rattle soemhere under the hood.

Car had been back and forward and many warranty claims submitted for evaluation and action to rectify things that never seemed to fix the bloody rattle.

Even our 'factory' tech gurus culdn't figure it out.

Then one of our warraanty auditors picked up on it because there were too many claims and the problem was still not fixed.  Thus it now demanded 'special' attention, so the first thing he did was track back through the vehicle's service history and noticed that the service immediately prior to the rattle appearing, the air filter element was changed and the part number on the R/O was wrong.

So he did the genchi Genbutsu deal (Japanese term meaning go to the source) and went to view the vehicle.  Opened the aircleaner and noted there were maks on the filter where it appeared to have been moving freely in the air box because it was about an inch too short to seal.

Had the correct element fitted and no morre rattle.

However now there's a question mark over who picks up the tab for all the diagnostic efforts to find the rattle since the dealer fitted the wrong part causing it in the first place.

Making the dealer more nervous is our request for analysis of the engine lubricant because the air filter was not effective and the engine may have been sucking in all manner of grit and contaminats through the open airbox.

Sometimes the bleeding obvious is too easy.

Had a problem once caused by a carbon track in hairline fracture of new Dissy cap.  Checked everything except that bloody cap coz it was brand spankin new.  Found it only by accident and fortunately nobody was around.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Bigest brain block I did with a new truck,was I ordered one years ago and it came in with power windows ,i'm hot,mad,pi88ed off,but Irene and the dealer talked me into taking it any way.I KNOW the windows are going to quit working,but dealer said"hay it's got a warranty". We start home,i'm playing with all the new buttons and wham,the drivers window drops inside the dorr!
I pin wheel that thing around and back to the dealer,now i'm really hot!,service writer and salesman start smiling,ask me if I read the book,I said no,Irene starts laughing,it has a window you just tap the button and it drops all the way down."DOPE" :shock: ,we had that truck for 12 years and no problems with any of the windows.


I have been doing quite a bit of work on this Daytona,and one of the things I added was a shift light.  Mounted it right on the steering column where it is REAL easy to see,but I had never tested it ,because of other work going on that needed to have the battey unhooked. Wellllllll.......tonight I completed wiring the power window switches,the line lock,the trans brake switch and the MSD 2 step module. Figured I might as well hook up the battery turn the switch on and see if the windows worked properly.  I forgot all about the MSD having a test mode that fired the shift light every time you turn the ignition on..............MAN is that sucker ever BRIGHT when ya got your face 3 inches away from it :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Russ..........that reminds me of the time my wife & I flew from Detroit to Oklahoma where our son & daughter were attending school. At the airport we rented a Ford Probe, and off we went looking for the kids (who did not know we were coming) We stopped at the school rec center,expecting to find them there, but were surprized when they were no where to be found. So we thought we would find them at the apartment. When we got into the car, I couldn't get it out of park, into reverse. The more I tried, the more PO'd I got, but that didn't help, so finally called the car rental place to tell them about the POS they had rented me. The nice lady asked me how I tried to get it out of park, as if I HAD NEVER DRIVEN A CAR BEFORE!!! After mentioning that we had no problem at the airport, bla, bla ,bla, and more adjectives, and adverbs, she kindly asked me to try one more time, but before I did, would I be kind enough to flip the sunvisor over and read the instructions on the reverse?? YA, YA, YA, but have a replacement ready when we call back there in a minute.

Jumped in the car, flipped the visor, and read " This car is equipped with a new safety feature that will not allow the transmission to be taken out of the Park position without depressing the foot brake" OH, *, don't give me this crap! So I tried it, and guess what??  Jez, I hate having to call somebody and especially having to apologize

John :D
If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??