Jeeeeeeeeez, Crosley !!!

Started by Bruce Dorsi, March 15, 2004, 11:01:13 PM

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Bruce Dorsi

Tony, if you want to prevent more people from moving to AZ, quit taunting us with that time/temp of Gilbert!
.....At least, in the winter! :lol:

.....Showing it during the summer should discourage more than a few people! :lol:
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


You're right about the humidity. Try Oklahoma and Texas in the summer.We were there for 2 years. You run from AC car to AC mall to AC anything.
BTW what have you got for a wing? Mine is a 98. REAL nice bikes. Haven't had mine out yet this year - shoulb be in another2-2 weeks   :D  :D

If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??


Quote from: "Crosley"this summer the temps will scare some of you guys.  Yes..... it gets humid here, not in the 70-90% range though.

yea wait till tony's little thermometer doesn't drop below 100 for a couple of days in a row 8)

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


this summer the temps will scare some of you guys.  Yes..... it gets humid here, not in the 70-90% range though.[/quote]

  Sometimes in the summer here it comes down to 70 % humidity, but it's rare.  :lol: