Big Olds' Ego-Rama Adventure Day 1-3

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, September 24, 2005, 11:20:08 PM

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What an adventure it has been already.  Let me back up a bit first.  I'd really like to take the opportunity to publicly thank a few of my buds who helped at the last minute to get Big Olds ready for the trip.  Roadstar, Beatnik, and 62Wgn, and my bud Jim, all helped to make sure Big Olds was safe, reliable and with everything working properly.  To them I say, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Day One, Thursday Sept 22nd

Livonia to Joilet, IL

Today's fuel "sponsored" by "Big Al" Cook

We left at 5pm after I got off work.  Our plan was to get just to the other side of Chicago to avoid the traffic jams in that area during rush hour.  About an hour into the trip it started to rain.  No big deal as it's happened many times in the last 44,000 miles.  Shortly thereafter though it started to sound like marbles hitting inside Big Olds and instantly I said to myself, Oh *, OUCH, Ouch, and brought my left hand up to try and protect the top of my head.  Yep, you guessed it, HAIL!   I had to take my hand off my head almost immediantly because it hurt worse coming down on the top of my hand then my head.  I changed lanes and slowed down looking to dive under the first vidock I saw but the hail only last a few minutes so on I trucked trying to catch up to my folks who didn't even slow down.  The red welts on the top of my hand are gone now.   Sorry I don't have photos of the top of my head or my hand for you photo whores.     Got a room on the other side of Joilet and crashed for the nite.

Total miles into the trip thusfar 300 miles

Day Two, Friday Sept 23rd

Joilet, IL to S. Sioux City, NE

Today's fuel "sponsored" by Fab32

Started off pretty uneventful.  

Just cruisen right along I80 at about 70-75 MPH when Dad say his coffee mug start to vibrate.  He keeps his filled mug on the glovebox door as he drives (Dad drinks at least two pots a day and has two huge themos' filled in his car at all times on road trips).  Anyway, for Dad's 56 to vibrate is very unusual.  He placed his mug on the floor then noticed just a slight vibration in the steering wheel at which time he started to change lanes to the right and heard a pop.  He continued to move onto the right shoulder and at about the same time his Olds came to a stop the front passenger side dropped to the frame.

I'm behind him at this point not knowing what's going on.  I followed him tot he shoulder, parked and got out on my passenger side and noticed the funny angle of the front of Dad's car as I approached.  I looked at the front wheel thinking I was going to see a flat tire but only spotted the funny angle the tire was sitting at, kinda toed in at the top.  HOLY *!  The brake caliper is about 2 inches from the ground and the inside of the wheel is all chewed up.

Dad took the center cap off and all the lug nuts were attached to the studs, BUT the studs weren't attached to the hub!  All five had sheared off   We came to the conclusion the studs sheared off (why we don't know), then the caliper dropped onto the inside of the Budnik wheel which forced the dustcap off (first pop).   The caliper rode on the inside of the wheel till just about the time he was almost pulled over and thats when the caliper came off the wheel and the car was riding on the frame.  The wheel stayed inside the wheelwell with no damage to the fender at all.

Dad got on the phone to AAA while I got out my HAMB Helper Pages.  We were 30 miles east of DesMoines so the first person I called was CarKiller on his cell.  He was in KC, KS at the GG show but gave me the number of his pal Justin who works at a local salvage yard that has a shop there as well.  He said get it here and well see what we can do to get it fixed.  I met Justin at the HAMB Drags this year.  

While we waited for the towtruck, Dad and I had to come up with a plan to try to get the car up on the flatbed with as little damage as possible.  So far, no body damage and just slight gouging on the inside of the wheel and the caliper alittle scraped up, not damaged though.

I always carry a floor jack with me and Dad carrys a scissor jack.  I said to Dad we need to use my jack as the support and just have the frame resting on my jack with the wheels pointed forward.  It took jacking the car up in a couple of different places and stuff before we got my jack in the right position.  We then place a wooden board under the bumper on the passenger side because we knew it was going to be scrapping on the flatbed as it went up.  We put a second piece of wood under the caliper incase the floorjack gaveway.  That way we could at least continue to drag it up there with as little damage as possible.  To make a long story short, got it up on the flatbed with no damage except a couple of scrapes on the rear bumper.

Got to Sunset Beach Salvage Yard in DesMoines and had a bit of trouble getting it off but finally did.  Broke my floorjack in the process but I suspect Santa will probley deliver a new one at Christmas time.   The owner of the yard sent me with John, "Jaybee",  who showed up for moral support after getting the word of the breakdown via "40" and the RRT, to a tire place to get the wheel balanced and sent my folks to the parts store for new studs and lugnuts while Justin starting taking everything apart.  Didn't take long before everything was back together, bill paid, many thanks given and we said our goodbyes.

The moral of the story is no matter how high dollar or low buck your car is, no matter how much you do to prepare your car for a roadtrip, * happens on the road and there is nothing you can do to prevent certain stuff from breaking.  You just have to keep a level head, and do what's necessary to get it fix..... having friends to call in case of emergency helps too.

Me and Justin

Me, Jaybee and his son in the salvage yard.  It was wonderful to meet you guys and hopefully next time it will be under better circumstances and we'll have more time to visit.

We're now 4 hours behind schedule and the BBQ that was planned in our honor at Daryle's, "40" is well under way without us in S Sioux City, NE.  Of course we had already called and everyone knew the situation.  We continued on and got to Daryles place intime to do alittle visiting before bed.  I'm really bummed out we missed MikeJ and his lovely wife Anita but the dessert she brought was delicious.  :wink:

Day Three, Saturday Sept 24th

S. Sioux City, NE to Mitchell, SD

Todays fuel "sponsored" by FlatDog

Got up this morning, said our goodbyes and many thanks to "40" for the hospitality.

and headed out for a quick 3 hour drive to Mitchell, SD where Bo Huff was scheduled to be a guest at a local car show.  Not more then 5 minutes outta town it started to POUR.  No big deal, only lasted an hour or so.  Got to the host hotel, registered, chatted a bit, then the police showed up to give a escort the 5 miles or so to the little downtown area, right by the corn palace, for those that are fimiliar with the area.  It just so happened that we pulled in line at the same time Eyeball, TomH and the other "Suades"  from the HAMB, which meant we parked together once downtown.  It was a very nice show, except for all the flys.  Very traditional in flavor although all cars were welcome.  We did a poker walk which was kinda neat because you drew cards inside a number of local businesses, some of which I probley would't have visited otherwise.

Met up with Bo Huff.  He remembered me from my visit to his place two years ago with 1FatGMC and the other RRTer's.  I showed him Big Olds and he really liked all the bodymods and especially like the color.  I was bummed my camera was in my purse and my purse wasn't with me at the time.  Sometimes I could just kick myself.

Anyway, shows over.  I was too tired to do the poker run/drive in movie thing tonight.  Instead I'm sitting in the Comfort Inn lobby, on the internet, on a Saturday nite.   For whatever reason I haven't been able to get the wireless laptop my boss let me borrow online.  This was the first opportunity I've had to a desktop.  

We're off to Rapid City in the morning via the Badlands

Total trip milage so far 1,010

TomH and his lovely wife

Eyeball on the right, and his brother Chris and wife Jen


a couple of the "Suade's" cars

Some of the other cars at the show

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Great update and pictures.  Looks like you are having a great time.  Thanks for the update.


I really enjoyed the visit with you and your folks....Glad you decided to stay over. Sorry you missed dinner but what fun would life be without a few bumps in the road! I knew you were going to hit some rain this morning but glad it was somewhat brief and it looked like the remainder of the day was super.By the way....Is there still a package coming to my house...and if so,what would you like me to do with it?I'll be looking forward to the next update! Be safe and have fun!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


thanks for the update.

Sounds like fun with a few bumps in the road.  Lets hope all goes smooth from here.

Keep the camera out of your purse....... sheesh!

:arrow:   :wink:   :wink:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

TJ's Dad

Great Stuff Denise ...... wow ya Dad was lucky not to have done more damage.

You can check and re check but unfortunately things do bust !

But good to see you're back on the road.

will keep an eye out for follow ups ....... Thanks
I\'d rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomomy !!!

ASRF Life Member

VHRA Member.


Thanks for the update. Hope you're past the sorry weather.


I gotta start checking this more often. When are you guys headed for L.A.? I will be in Louisville until Thursday, then at the Cal. Hot Rod reunion in Bakersfield this coming weekend.

If you can, call me with your progress. If you guys are going to be in LA for a while or if The race is one of your stops. I'll be in the tower talking all weekend.
Have Mouth, Will Travel.


Love the updates!   It sounds like you're having quite an adventure and you're just getting started :shock:   :D

Good luck and have fun :D


 Sorry I wasn't around to see you and your Dad when you were in Mitchell.  My wife was down there but said there was no one around your car when she saw it.  The show wasn't as large as the Outkasts had hoped but it looks like you probably had a good time.  I guess it really rained that night and the next morning.  Hope you didn't drown.  
 Have a good rest of the trip.


I'd blame those billet wheels. ;)

Glad to hear it all worked OK. I've had two studs shear on my car many years ago (thought someone had put rocks in my Moon discs :) ) Replaced the studs and haven't had a problem since.

Like you said... Poo-Poo happens.

Good luck on the rest of the trip. Your Dad's car is killer (I even secretly like the wheels).
Yes it is Grandad\'s Old Rambler!



OI, LADY, IS THIS WEDDING STILL ON ???  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
If its not a Flattie
Then it wouldn,t pull a Sailor
Off Ya Sister