O/T Computers and Picture printing me new purchase!

Started by Dave, August 28, 2005, 04:25:19 PM

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Been arguing with Sue about the pictures I take with the digital and not getting them printed out from the computer. Yep Im lazy :)  Yesterday I went out and Seeing that Sues bday was tuesday and mine isconning up on  the 11th... YUPPER 9-11.. That should splain whats wrong with me 8) . Oops getting off track here.
Anyway I bought a epson picturemate photo printer.. Way cool. I printed pics last night with it setting on the kitchen table. I hooked it to the puker today and its really nice. Now I can take pics plug the memory card from the camera in and print the pics I want. I didnt get the expensive one with the viewer but it prints a proof and you just tell it what pics and how many copies you want it to print.While i was at it I got the extra ink cartridge and 100 sheets of paper so i wouldnt run out for a while. Not a bad deal either. I got this one at best buy and there is a 50.00 rebte till October 1st I think so after the mail in rebate its about 150.00 plus 28 bucks for the paper and backup ink . Ill let ya all know how it works but im printing some photos as i type this. The quality is first rate and there is a program with it to enhance photos although ive got about 4 of them on the puker now ill try epsons also. Im not trying to make a comercial here just relaying my new purchase. Im partial to epson stuff anyway but thats just me.
ps: If i remember right 348 tripowers birthday is sept 11 too  :?:


I'm real happy with the Epson Photo R200 I bought about a month ago. Uses 6 different ink cartridges, so you only have to replace the ones that are empty, and the photos it prints look just as good as Lab prints. Epson claims 100 year life on their inks too, where lab photo's are usually in the neighborhood of 30-40 years...

Ink is high though. I went ahead and bought all 6 cartridges at once so I would have them on hand and it cost $83... :shock:


Ink jets have come along way in the last few years. I've gat the cheapie Canon pixima 3000 and have been amazed at the quality of the pics. It has ne extras but I think I gave about $50 on sale for it. If the life of the Epson ink is for real, that would be wonderful. My first inkjet was an Epson color stylus. Pictures on the wall in the shop that weren't exposed to sunlight faded in a few years.

Bruce Dorsi

I have found that it is less expensive for me to put photos I wish to print on a disc, and take that to a local supermarket to have them printed.

If I want odd sizes, or 8x10's, it pays to do them on my photo printer.   .....Otherwise, the Kodak prints done by my supermarket are cheaper than photo paper and ink.

I printed some photos 5 years ago, and the colors have changed while in an album.  ....Hopefully, the inks have improved since then.

The guy at the supermarket showed me something interesting.  ....He poured coffee on one of the prints done on his machine, then he rubbed the coffee with a napkin.  ....The print was not damaged.

He then did the same test on a print made in the Kodak "kiosk" machine, which is normally operated by the customer.  ....The ink smeared on the print.  .....He explained that there are different inks used.

Although I didn't try it, he claimed that a chemically-developed photograph will not survive the coffee test, either.
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


Quote from: "N8DC"That should splain whats wrong with me 8) . Oops getting off track here.

Getting off track IS what's wrong with you!

I too just go to Costco(better fix up machine then Sam's) and for 17 cents a print, get er done but good luck with that new toy and say Happy Birthday to your brother for me, will ya.....Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...