A forklift and a wire bin of torque converters

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, June 03, 2005, 09:58:32 PM

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This afternoon  I notice one of my co-workers using the forklift to move a wire bin FULL of torque converters.

he has the bin waay too high after the welder re-welded some items on the bottom of the bin.

A minute later I hear this loud crashing sound










Nobody was hurt when the bin fell forward & off the forks of the forklift

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)



Reminds me of when I worked at a place that had a household goods division.  The owner had $10,000 worth of new furniture sitting on the warehouse floor waiting to be loaded up to go to his lake house.  A forklift driver dropped a crate loaded with household goods right on top of it, from about 20" up.  Instant matchsticks.  The customer's stuff in the crate didn't make out much better.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Another forklift story.

 When I worked at the wrecking yard, my financially responsible (cheap) boss aquired an ancient mammoth of a forklift. Any way, one sunny day some people came in looking for a sliding door for their van. We had one, perfect condition, even the same color as their van. a $350.00 price was agreed on. The van had to be moved from between two Bugs to access the sliding door. My boss poked the forks through the side windows of the van and slides them in as far as he can without hurting the sliding door. then proceeds to lift it about eight feet off the ground. The van teeters precariously on the forks, swinging and swaying as he manuvers it into position. At this point all he had to do was lower the van to the ground. He wasn't all that familiar with the forklift and accidently pushed the lever that tilts the forks forward. The van slipped off the forks and lands squarely on the sliding door. a silent cloud of dust floats over the ruined van.. The door people left without saying a word, I hid in one of the wrecks until my laughter subsided and my boss aquired a nick name "Mr. Haney" (think Green Acres).
    Jbird 8)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
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Thank goodness nobody was standing near the forklift when the load shifted. coulda made for a real bad day  :shock:

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
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One of the guys who used to "work" for me dropped
one of those bins through the windshield of a customers truck  :shock:
at his next place of employment.

I doubt he's still there. :roll:


When I was at the elevator company,one of the Lead Hands
picked up a skid with a tow motor,not paying attention,
and the forks caught the lower shelf and tipped over
a 15 foot high x 10 foot long steel shelf section.

Some idiot,looking to save a couple bucks,had decided
the shelves didn't need to be bolted down. :shock:
Luckily nobody was hurt,because people usually work where the shelf fell.


Don't that just torque you off? That forklift driver must have been a shiftless dip stick.