Rat Fink party 2k5

Started by moldy, May 27, 2005, 10:14:25 AM

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First of all allow me to introduce myself.. this here is Moldy Marvin.. Just thought I'd drop by and post some info..

Please Check it out...

6th Annual Rat Fink.Party
                              Kustom Kulture Extravaganza
                            Saturday July 9th 2005
                       Los Angeles County Race Way
                                  Palmdale, CA

Hey Gang,

First of all I want to apologize for any inconvenience to you folks that already registered for the show but we had no choice but to move our show date and venue.

The thing that is exciting about this venue change, is that all of the vehicle entries will be able to race their vehicle as long as they meet tech inspection. That means folks will be able to burn out at this
event! It's gonna be a gasser! I'm also looking into some additional exhibition fun for the gang too. So try to be there if you can.

Please pre Register you vehicle soon.

Pre Registered Vehicle Entry is $20.00. Registration includes (1) Vehicle (1) Driver and (1) passenger Admission.

For a registration form you can either download this pdf file and print it out.

Or you can go to the on line registration form fill it out print it and send it in.

Show Day Registration $ 20.00 for Vehicle and (1) Driver  + $ 10.00 per passenger.

For a Full set of Rules check out this page.

General Admission for you folks that just want to come up for the event is only $ 10.00 per person which includes parking!

We will still be featuring extraordinary works of art from some of the finest Kustom Kulture artist's in the industry, you will also find Speed Equipment, Vintage Clothing, and a bunch of really neat stuff to doll up your house or garage.

This years entertainment line up will include The Detonators, Three On the Tree, The Southerners, theDeadbillys and the Danny Dean with some special guest entertainers that will remain a secret until later.

We will also be holding our annual Model Building, and Tattoo Contest.

This years Charity Art Auction will benefit the Michael Hoefflin Foundation for Children's Cancer.

So Bring the whole family and enjoy the day while we all celebrate the Life, Art and Inspiration of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth!

Well that should do it for now..

For more information go to http://www.ratfink.org/rfparty2k5

Or Call (661) 944-2299

Thanx once again for your support, Be There!!!!!!!!!!!

the Moldy one


hey moldy - goin to be a little warm that time of year in the middle of the desert?


I know you know it shoulden't really make a differance. Cuz it don't matter what dat I pick.. seems like the RF party is always on the hottest day of the month anyways..

I'm hopin' you'll show up and tell yer friends.. Seeing hows yer so close and all.

The way I see it. It aint no warmer up here at that time of year then it is in the Valley.. Dryer and we always have at least a little breez....

Heck I remember I did the show a few years ago when it was hotter than all get out.. humid as .. well you know and the smog was the worst.

I rather bake in the sun under clear skys and smell burrning rubber anyways.. and I think most of the gang will agree.

Yeah we'll lose some of the valley folks .. but the real deal hard core guys will show.  And I figuer the foot traffic will be pretty good to cuz there ain't nuthin ta do up this way so's the locals will come on out.

Look at Thunder on the Lot.. They pack the house these dayz. Fact is I gotta get a crew to show up there in the 12th of June to hand out flyers.

R U goin'?
