57 caddy

Started by zzebby, May 01, 2005, 09:28:45 PM

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I've seen that there are at least two of these being built by members here and so did a double take when I saw one poking out of a neighbourhood garage.  Stopped and spoke with the owner's wife.  As expected it is hubbies pride and joy,  a 27K mile one owner that he is redoing.   Saw the duct work and brake booster and recalled Enjenjo's reworked unit and realize what he was doing.
I've sent him a link to this site,  maybe we'll get a new member.
eightsecondart@cox.net   is his addy.

Bruce Dorsi

Quote from: "zzebby"eightsecondart @cox.net is his addy.


I hope his addy is based on his quarter-mile times, and not his wife's description of his performance!   :roll:
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!