Thanks everyone.......and congrats to voodoochild

Started by Dave, March 01, 2004, 06:23:13 PM

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Thanks to everyone I saw at Autorama and the compliments on my car. And for those of you I didnt meet I hope to meet you at other shows.
I was pretty busy all weekend and the drive from jackson to and from is no fun specially going home late after a few beers.. We had fun though.I stayed saturday nite and that was party day so i started early LOL.. Lots of nice cars and even had an offer on the 32 although i didnt build it to sell but i finally got tired of the guy pestering me and told him if he really wanted it it would take 50k and he asked me for my phone number. Of course i gave it to him :lol: Im still not sure id sell it and im not sure he will call and really dont care..I missed lunch friday and i really wanted to go but george did invite me to the dinner thing but i passed on that to get an early start home. I really wanted to be ready for saturday. Lots of nice cars.. I didnt even take many pics of mine and what i did take came out kinda crummy so if anyone has good pics how bout shooting me some via my email. 8 pm last nite was cool all the people driving out fired em up. Open headers and they even fired up the dragster next to us.. Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. I had the car loaded in the trailer in about 20 minutes and we unloaded here in jackson at 10:04. Thats even after my buddy dropped sue and i off back at cobo to run up the roof and get the truck.
Would i do it again???? Maybe just for fun but i dont think id do it unless i had another car. this one has been there.Its a long weekend but it sure is fun. Oh ya I didnt win anything but thats not the reason I went..  
Dave :b-d:
ps: anyone see LA37 Saturday nite ?    I thought I was having fun  :lol:


I was hopeing to meet you but I didn''t see you the couple of times I went by your car. The car looked great BTW. The cowtown bunch are good friends of mine, you couldn't have been in better company.
I'm sure we will meet when the cruising starts.
And I know what you mean about the people that bug you for a price when you really don;'t have it up for sale. I told one guy that kept asking me, $100.000 grand, and he quietly walked away :wink:

And I'm glad it's over too. Fun to do it once and then enjoy the car for what it is. I couldn't imagine doing that every weekend :shock:


Survived the weekend, eh?  The car is looking good.  Everytime I walked by, there were people around taking pics.  Now it's time to start thinking about getting stone chips on it.....well, as soon as this darn winter gets over.

Here's a couple pics I took.  I didn't use a flash so the one is a little blurry.



Hey Dave,Enjoyed meeting you at the Autorama.The car looked great! We came back by several times over the weekend but didn't catch you.When the snow melts...the real fun will begin!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

Pope Downunder

Congratulations!  You have worked hard and achieved a goal; come summer you can drive it and enjoy it.  Don't sell it.


Got home it was nice out so i jumped in the 32 and took her down the road. Ran good drove good needs a couple of adjustments. Man im happy... Im gonna retorque the wheels change out the oil pan fix the fuel sender and a couple other things then ill really be ready... Ive never finished one this far without even driving it so thats makes me really happy when it works. Ive got to find out how to properly adjust the settings on the viper coil overs cause its a little stiff but im sure ill find out how and after a few miles it should ride better..
Dave :lol: