Roadster Pickup Progress

Started by brianangus, March 20, 2005, 06:03:07 PM

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This weekend, along with firing the engine, I cut the hole in the floor above the under-floor master cylinder. This was no small chore, as the floor is made from 3/16" plate. Thank heavens for metal cutting saber saws and air powered cut off discs. The peice that was cut out was saved, I then took a scrap of 1/4" plate and cut out a "frame" that would fit against the underside of the floor, extending about 1/2" beyond the cut out on all sides, and extending into the cut out hole about 3/16" all around. I left a 3/4" x 45 degree web in each of the 4 corners of the frame. I then drilled 3/8" diameter holes thru the floor in 6 places around the perimeter of the cut out area, and after clamping the frame in place I plug welded it with my mig welder thru the 6 holes, and ground the top surface  of the welds  flush with the floor. Then I set the cut out peice back into place, and drilled thru the 4 corners of the cut out peice and thru the webs left in the corners of the frame underneath. I lifted the "cut out peice" out, took it over to the drill press and countersunk each of the 4 holes for a 1/4" flat head cap screw. I tapped the 4 holes in the inside corners of the frame 1/4-20 unc. It worked perfect---now I have a flush fit bolted cover over the master cylinder access hole.----I then took the remains of my 1/4" scrap plate and burned out a   3 1/2" circle. I finish ground the edges on my vertical belt sander, and drilled a countersunk hole thru the center for a 1/2" flat head cap screw x 1 1/4" long. I dropped the bolt into place, welded all around, ground everything flush, and Voila---instant brake pedal.----them suckers cost $50 to buy from a parts supplier. I will paint it black along with the brake pedal arm, and get a peice of one of those  industrial grade stick-on anti slip pads to cover the "face". (that stuff is like #100 grit emery cloth, with a self adhesive backing, and is almost indistructable.)