
Started by enjenjo, January 30, 2005, 07:28:10 PM

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Lets do it again, 9 pm
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


It doesn't want to recognise me tonight. I've tried my new password and every password I've ever had. Even tried going direct to the site we had last week (which gave me some kind of Error message) Every time I put in my name and password and hit chat it comes back asking for my name and password. It does this going in on the RRT address or the streetrodtech address. GPster

Fat Cat

Registration is now required to log into the chat room. If you did not register last week and just used your name to enter. You now have to register. The username and password can be the same as your forum login.


Sorry I've been jumping through hoops all night. I registered andI can't get passed the login.  gives me a action canceled page and then back to the login page. \\I give up


you showed up three times that I remember.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I'm working at home in the office today getting some stuff ready for the accountant....I love Tax Time :roll: Anyway,I decided to see if I could get into chat....I had only been able to access it one other time...a fluke,I'm sure.Anway,I registered and the screen popped up showing that I was there but when I click the chat button,it takes me back to the log-in.Sounds like I'm having the same problem as Rudy.I'll keep an eye on this thread for a possible solution.
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Just for the heck of it....I tried accessing chat with Internet Explorer and I slipped right in the back door :) Could not get in using AOL....just another reason AOL SUCKS!!You guys might have to put up with me now on Sunday Nights!!  :shock: You know,I'm really not getting much done this morning on my taxes :roll:
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"