Check out this cool handmade V 12!

Started by 32 Chevy, December 15, 2004, 11:29:39 PM

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32 Chevy

Last weekend I went to Ray Baker's shop in Seattle. He is the machinist who helped me build the stroked Buick 215/ 305 that now powers the 32 chev. I was just visiting, and having him go over the motor now that it has a few miles on the clock. As an aside, Ray inherited his mechanical prowess from his Dad who pioneered the development of the 215 and also sold many kits to install baby buicks into Vagas and MG's.

So I asked Ray what he has been up to and he replied, "Well mainly trying to keep my head above water, but if you want to see something neat I'll show you my latest." So we walked across the street to his house and he opened the garage door and my eyeballs just about fell out. Nestled snugly between his wifes minivan and another long overdue project car sits a polished aluminum V 12.

Ray takes two 215's cuts 'em into two 6 bangers, welds the blocks together, MAKES a new Crank, MAKES  a new cam ( I saw a crank being made on his lathe) Built a complete fuel injection system , built a dual magneto setup, built the headers , then fired it up on a dyn0 (525 hp from a 495 pound motor). So I'm impressed. And he swore me to secrecy, but now he's building two V12's under contract that are based on new Corvette V 8's. So don't tell anybody... I know they exist, I saw 'em with my own eyes...

I have no idea what the Crovette V12's will go for, but the aluminum engine in these photos would be around $20,000. That is definitely out of my budget, but compared to what I see people paying for warmed over 350 chevys seems to be a great deal. Ray says most of these motors end up in aircraft but would love to see one in a Rod.

This is so cool I had to share...



Dave R


Some people are just way too clever for words
Just because it\'s written down doesn\'t make it true


That has EFI, and computer ignition too, doesn't it?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I'll bet that thing sounds "Tough" !!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Can you just imagine the jig it took to get those blocks lined up,before he welded them back together,not to mention how much work the crankshaft and camshaft,must have taken.
THAT guy has some serious talent :shock:
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.

32 Chevy

Quote from: "enjenjo"That has EFI, and computer ignition too, doesn't it?

Yeah, Frank, it sure does. I'm not sure what he adapted the EFI and ignition from, but he did say that it could be tuned with a  computer.

He did not want me to take pictures in the shop of the crank on his lathe and the block jig but to my untrained eye it seemes deceptively simple. There's undoubtedly lots more behind the scenes. The shop itself is also one of those innocuous garages next to a house in a residential neighborhood where you you would  never guess the talent inside. Ray is also quite young to have developed this expertise. I'm guessing that he's in his  30's.



Quote from: "32 Chevy"
I have no idea what the Crovette V12's will go for, but the aluminum engine in these photos would be around $20,000.

Wow!!! Personally I think $20,000 is a steal for that motor, not that I have that to spend, but there are a lot of people out there that do.  A friend built a $180,000 Willys for a guy and the exhaust alone was $5000 and not as nice as what is on that engine.

Thanks for posting the pictures,


Bruce Dorsi


It is always a joy to see workmanship of this caliber.

There is a guy here in the east (New York, I think) that welded  SBC 350's together, to make a V-16.
....His was a lot heavier though, as his blocks & heads were cast-iron.

He displayed and ran the engine for a year or two, before installing it into a rod.  ....It sounded wonderful!
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


WOW, Ray has an impressive embarrassment of riches when it comes to executable skills.  A lot of guys can talk a good show, yatta, yatta, but very few can make it happen ...especially at his age.  My hat is off to him.  Thanks for sharing.   :wink:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR something you pay when you get on the bus!


Quote from: "nzsimon"Some people are just way too clever for words

Many of them have way too much or not enough spare time.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.

Land Yacht

I was just wondering, are those from Buick 215's or the later range rover productions? , I assume there were/are aluminum also...
1965 Impala SS 283/250 -sold- :(
1977 Chevy Caprice -totaled 2005 :(

1999 Chevy S-10 ZR2  Bacon Getter

32 Chevy

Quote from: "Land Yacht"I was just wondering, are those from Buick 215's or the later range rover productions? , I assume there were/are aluminum also...

These are from the later versions, the ones with larger webs at the crank bearings. The 215's were kinda lightly built there.



I would LOVE to hear it run.
Not to take anything away from that work of art, and it is, but for any of you that follow the land speed guys, the Burkland car out of Montana that when 417 this year is powered by 2 aluminum Donavans.  Gene Burkland scrounged 4 or 5 broken blocks and cut and welded them into the two motors he runs.  It is amazing the talent that is out there.  He didn't do the crank stuff the the V12 needed though.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST