Fixing other guys home repair work again

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, February 17, 2004, 12:11:12 AM

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I was just having this same conversation with some work mates....Peolpe ask why I don't farm out a lot of things I do....I say it saves me time cause I know I will inevitably be fixing up their stuff ups...Like a couple of months ago, the auto gearbox in my son's Nissan became terminal. I didn't have time to work on it and he needed it to get to work...I had replaced the engine about 4 months earlier and was not in any mood anyway to work on a FWD car again. So I arranged for a second hand box from a wrecker near by. I also picked an auto trans shop the check it out and fit it ( if all was OK ). All went fine, got the car back. About 2 month later, my son mentions the car making a weird noise when he puts it into reverse. I went out and asked to see what he meant. Well he starts the engine and puts it into reverse. The whole engine just about threw itelf through the firewall. I reached down and grabbed the bracket that joins the rear mount to the engine. It was hanging in the breeze. The clowns that replaced the box only put in one bolt. After a while, the flange snapped off cause it was taking the entire load. I had to scroung around in my bolt stash for about an hour to get replacement bolts...I kept getting this image in my head of this clown kicking 3 bolts aside and probably chuckling to his mates saying something like .." Hey where the F*** do you think these came from?"..after my son drove the car out. I thought about going around and have a go at them but I know the outcome ...denial..."Nah mate, they were in it when it left here"
See Ya


My problem is people who won't do what you ask, even when you supply the material. The aluminum facia I had installed some years back is coming off, because they used steel brads to install it instead of the correct nails I supplied. The brads are rusting off, letting the facia come loose.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Tony, I hope, by the time you get to old and feeble to fix others screw-ups,you will have ALL the home improvements DONE on your home........

I can just see, a crochety old man in a wheelchair,chasing a carpenter down the driveway,throwing old transmission parts at him and calling him BAD names !!!!!
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


This is why I try to give my boys all the training we could,even if thay don't want to do a job thay will know if it was a good job.
Stay warm


We did our kitchen over two years ago.  It was a complete redo that took 14 months of parttime work.  We replaced or refurbished the ceiling, floor, most walls, trim, windows, electrical, lighting, plumbing, cabinets and countertops.  We did all of our own work except the building the countertops, the plumbing and installing the floor.

Of the three counter tops, one had to be redone.  The plumber had to come back to fix a leaky dishwasher hook up and the floor still isn't right.  There is no longer any pride in workmanship.  We did not quibble on price or tried to get a cheaper deal than that proposed by the tradesperson yet they still do crappy work.  It is the WalMart mentality carried into daily work.

When we get too old and feeble to fix others work I guess we'll just have to make loud noises or hope we've trained our kids so they can help before they send us off to the nursing home.
Bill C from Connecticut
48 Chevrolet Cabriolet


I did my own kitchen remodel.  It took months to finish but I'm glad I did.  Didn't have to hassle with contractors and saved a BUNCH of cash.  It was pretty extensive being a complete reconfiguration.  Moved a window AND a door, all new cabinets, and nothing is in the same place except the fridge.  Even a contractor friend was surprised to look at the results and find out I did all the work so I'm proud even if there's no way I could make a living at it.  

I can tell you this much, $345.00 to install a faucet is a DARNED high hourly rate!
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)

58 Yeoman

Hmmm...depends on whether it was chrome plated or gold plated :lol:

Back in the 70's when I was married, we built a house, and wanted one of the counter saver cutting boards installed. The 'carpenter' came and cut the holes for the sink and counter top range, then I showed him where to cut the hole for the counter saver.  I came back later, and saw that he had cut the hole with square corners, and the cutting board had rounded corners. They gave me a square cornered board to fit the hole, but it wasn't a flush fit like the other one. :cry:

Years later, we remodeled the kitchen, so we could use better cabinets and countertop, etc. We hired out the whole kitchen, and when the carpenter installed the huge three piece counter top (and glued the two joints; U-shaped), he noticed a scratch by the backsplash. We could hardly see it and told him not to worry, it would be covered with appliances anyway.  Nope...he ordered a new center section, and came back and installed it at no charge. WOW! Haven't seen that kind of service since.

About 3 weeks ago, I noticed that when my furnace kicked on in the morning, the blower would go on and off before the temp reached the setting. I called a local shop that installed my a/c in 99. He checked it out, and said that the limit switch was going out. New one....or new furnace.... yadda, yadda, yadda.... I was sent a bill for $60, which I paid for the checkup, but I adjusted the switch down a little bit, and it's been working fine. :lol:
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


HeHe, sorry to hear of your missfourtune...........

You should see my shower!!!!

Seems the ceramic tiles were glued on with construction adhesive, and then grouted it with the sandless grout. Needless to say, most of them have fell off in the three years Ive owned this house so Ill be re-tiling the shower soon. We put a real pretty shower curtain over it, and mostly use the other bathroom.