FrenchRodder in print

Started by Cword, November 03, 2004, 01:10:26 PM

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Merci Gilles!

Hey gang! I got home last night to find a large envelope from France in the mail. The mail was from Gilles (Frenchrodder) and inside was a copy of the French Magazine NITRO which included a 4 page spread of Gilles '32 Roadster.
The layout and pictures are excellent, I'was at band meetings all evening and didn't have time to reproduce the paces to post here though. Hopefully I'll find time tonight.



For those who don't know a smattering of French, Fait Maison is home made.  Way to go.


Have not heard much from Gilles lately.  Hope our good ami is OK.  If you are reading this Gilles bring us up to date on your summer rodding adventures.
An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks


Congratulations Gilles.  I know you built your own car and I'll bet it feels good to receive the recognition.  I can read (and understand) a little of the article and it seems to cover your experience of building and driving the '32 quite well.

It's nice to see that even though our cultures are different, there are interests, like rodding, that remind us that we are still very much alike.

Keep the topless side up!


Way to go Gilles. I have heard the difficuties you have owning a car like that in France.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Hi everybody,

I'm still here on the RRT. I don't post often but read the interesting subjects often.

As for this season from april to september I drove the 32 roadster more than ever and did 9000km (5600 miles)

In july I spent 11 days driving from the French rod Nat's in the Alps (near Switzerland) to the European Nat's in Spain. We were 5 Street-rods and we enjoyed a lot the trip through some of the most beautiful parts of the country. Here a link to look at French Nat's photos (some of cars are English or Swiss)

In august with friends (4 cars, 10 personns) we spent 10 days in England for vacation  and visiting but also  the Invicta roadsters  monthly meeting and the big NASC meeting. The link :

Plus some local small meetings and cruisings.

:D Gilles :D



In print is good!


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)