Am I the first one to see this ? NSRA open to 1975

Started by Dave, October 24, 2004, 05:20:53 PM

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at our state meeting last week, one of the NSRA reps was there and he commented about the 2 new runs.  If you notice the names are Milwaukee/Richmond nationals.  No where does it say street rod in the title.  NSRA might be putting them on, but still are distancing themselves a bit.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST


George........the IndyCruise 2004 event was a mix of good, bad and mediocre!

This event was too before it's time. No one understood the "cruising" part of the event as well as three differing venues.  Nothing had been done exactly like it.  Speedway venue was excellent and should be used again if the town will drop some major obsticles to doing these things (too many fees).

Also, the weather said "rain" on Saturday on the Monday before.  That kills attendance and Saturday morning was gloomy and rainy.  Not good but Sunday ended up to be great!  Lot's of quality rides.

But, the good news is that someone wants to buy it.  Don't know what I am going to do because it's way tooooooo much work.  Also, the most part that I am proud of is that we raised thousands-of-dollars for Victory Junction Gang!  Thanks to NAPA Racing, Michael Waltrip and Dale E JR. for their participation.

The best part is that I met new faces and people.  I like the people the best whether they ride bikes, drive rods or tuners!  Pretty cool really.

Check out our show on ESPN 2 on November 14th at 1pm EST and Nov 16th, 3pm EST as well.  Army Armstrong really liked the model and some of the unique things we were doing.  YOu be the judge!


I enjoy the cars from many differant eras,there are cars from the 30's,40's,50's and 60's stashed in my shop.I like the diversity of shows such as Back to the 50's and GoodGuys but hope NSRA maintains the pre-49 cut-off for thier "streetrod" events.In my opinion,at least at this time,the large events are running at capacity.The two large shows that come to mind are The 50's and the NSRA Nat's...I have been attending both for many,many years and both have grown to the point where it's nearly impossible to "cruise the grounds" at all and difficult to find a place to park.I do agree that the smaller events and local shows must change with the trend or parish.
   Steve,Just curious....What kind of attendance #'s did you achieve....If you're not at liberty to say,that's Ok.I really wanted to attend but as often happens,work got in the way! I'll tape the show and watch it the first chance I get...Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


My major sponsor owns all the numbers and names to the event.  So, I can't blurt out a number here because of the agreement without a release from them.  But what I can tell you, at the finals at Indiana downs on Sunday we drove over 200 differing (just award/trophy winning) vehicles to the finals with ????? others in attendence.  Good showing on Sunday and great fall weather.

The attendence could have been stronger with cooperating weather.  Also, we had a couple established events going on starting with the Bean Blossum Bike event and the Newport Hill Climb.  We might move the event next year.......doing the math now.   I think more of a summer event might be better.  Also, using the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for vendors and special show things would be better than what we had.  Still use Speedway Mainstreet for cruising and entertainment.


An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks


I wonder how many of you were around when NSRA sponsored a Street Machine and Van Division.  
I was and I wasn't all that impressed with the division.  
I still wear the divisional patches on my NSRA Safety Team shirts but the division has been history for a couple of decades or thereabouts.

Worried about the pre-75 thing?  I wouldn't be.  
NSRA's insurance carriers will most likely force them to drop the event once the shenanigans (for those of you who remember the street machine days) start up again.

Early Hemi SME
Hot Rod Wiring Consulting


I'm with Crafty, although on the opposite side of the planet.

Any event that features pre '48 Rod and '50's through '60's Customs all at the same venue has got to be a good event.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "Carps"I'm with Crafty, although on the opposite side of the planet.

Any event that features pre '48 Rod and '50's through '60's Customs all at the same venue has got to be a good event.

I thing the rod and custom guys get on very well; all part of the same scene.  It has always been that way down here.

Where we seemed to clash was with the street machines.  I, and many others, tried to pressure the ASRF to be 'Pre-49 only' back in the '80's.  From my point of view, at that time, I didn't want to be associated with all the clowns tearing up the cities we were trying to hold major events in.  I thought the best way to do so was to clearly differentiate our interest group of cars from cars that may look somewhat similar.

I was on the loosing side, and the federation maintained it's R&C membership mix.  Unlike many others however, I accepted the majortity view, and stayed in the federation all through. Today, I am pleased to be able to admit that I think the federation made the right decision.  I like the mix of R&C.  

Here in Newcastle the scene is even more diverse, with many events, such as the Rickshaws on the Foreshore, and the Motorists' Apprciation Day (MAD) being open to street machines, muscle cars, restored cars, rods and customs and custom bikes.  In reality, all these people have a lot more in common than they differ, and really apreciate each others efforts and company.

Of course, the scale of things is much smaller, than a major US event, so we can accomodate the numbers.


Quote from: "phat46"
Quote from: "N8DC".
  I'm not liking this, if any of the other events are like the Nats North there won't be enough room if this eventually goes to all the events. Think of Louisville if it were open to pre '75, there has to be at least as many cars around that are post '48 as pre '48; probably more. (think muscle cars) If the participation goes up by even 50% where will everyone park....or stay?
I like the feel of the pre '48 events, even if a few of the cars are actually only six months old. I can't put my finger on it exactly why this is, but I know the events wouldn't have the same attraction for me if they were opened to '75.
   Hopefully the NSRA won't be a victim of it's own  success...

You guys are all scared that the next thing you'll see is my old '75 Plymouth Fury 'pimp-ride' barrellling down the courses like a bloated oil-tanker in the North Sea.

funny....but not so slick looking.


Naw, we're just put off by the street machiners who think tires were made for smoking.

Early Hemi SME
Hot Rod Wiring Consulting


Quote from: "Skip"Naw, we're just put off by the street machiners who think tires were made for smoking.

I got no problem with a good (safe) burnout contest. Its when they do it in the street with kids around that scares me.. Done properly its a good time.


Quote from: "N8DC"
Quote from: "Skip"Naw, we're just put off by the street machiners who think tires were made for smoking.

I got no problem with a good (safe) burnout contest. Its when they do it in the street with kids around that scares me.. Done properly its a good time.

Agreed, however, most of the burnouts happen in the streets and that draws the cops and rowdy crowds and I don't particularly care for either when I'm at a large event.

Early Hemi SME
Hot Rod Wiring Consulting