Can not view my account settings

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, July 30, 2024, 09:08:21 AM

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About the only item in my profile I can view is Buddies/Ignore list  and the Notifications ?

Account setting:  Page not working  Or a page tells me: RRT Can Not handle the request right now

Look and Layout: Page not working

Is it my FireFox browser?  Cookies setting? 

I tried browser Microsoft Edge:  Can not log in cause of cookie settings?  I dont know what to change?  I seldom use the browser MS Edge

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

Fat Cat

Its not you or your browser. It is something messed up in the forum software. I have tried to find it. I have even asked on the software support forum if I could hire someone to fix it but so far no one has come forth.

Until I can figure out which part of the code is broken it is just going to have to stay that way or I will have to make a completely new instance of the forums to fix it.


Hi...  Not that important. I was gonna change up my signature and avatar photo and noticed that nothing was working in the section.

I did figure out the problem with the browser Edge.  I had settings a bit off on cookie retention.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)