Sometimes I cannot post

Started by Beck, May 08, 2021, 07:54:10 PM

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I just posted on the What are you doing today thread.
I was going to make another, but can't.
This seems common for me.
I can go to that thread, but when I select (Post Reply) I am directed to the home page.
I enter my login info again, Select Rodders Roundtable, find the thread, again select (Post Reply)
I am again directed to the home page.
Obviously it will let me start a new topic and post.
What am I doing wrong?


Odd, It lets me reply to this thread, but not the other.


Quote from: "Beck"Odd, It lets me reply to this thread, but not the other.

Agreed....  Sometimes I must use the "Quote" function to make another post in a thread..  I high light the quoted post and delete it to type in what I want.

Some times if I want to start a new thread and the web forum bounces me back to the main Rodders Roundtable page.    Frustrating.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I had similiar problems some time back.  I think the cure was delete the cookie stash on my computer.  I believe you can delete just the cookies for the Rodders Round Table.  Google how to delete cookies from one site.

Now if someone could help me figure out why I can not post photos sometimes.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


I keep the cookie jar empty and have no troubles like mentioned above.

Only issue noticed... maybe last couple weeks the RRT forum index page is a bit slow to come up.

WZ if a pic is not within the 640x500 pixel, maximum 120 kilobyte parameters it won't go... but the message saying so after hitting the add attachment button is in fine red print up above the typing area where its easy to not notice it when looking below for your pic. Most commonly for me, its the file size holding up the works and if I miss the message up top it seems like the attempt just fails because the attachment stuff is blank again. Resizing alone is rarely enough to get under 120 kb, the quality has to be reduced as well.

With .jpg pictures, original file size varies based on complexity of image so the degree of modification required varies with each image. Most often, I have to use a photo editing program on the PC (phone apps mainly just crop and resize, mine does not offer quality adjustment) and make multiple saves at different quality settings until I end up under 120kb. I don't do this much because it is such a file transfer headache to post a pitifully small and poor quality image. But it helps a big picture guy fit in with the gang. :)

58 Yeoman

Trying out what Matt stated about the size. Didn't know about quality affecting pix also.  This is the well drillers truck last Monday.

EDIT: Thanks Matt. It works.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


No prob, Phil. I was into pictures a long time before finding the quality slider. The degree to which a quality reduction is noticeable also varies.

I just hope Beck gets past the posting issue. Theres been plenty of times when I'll write a new thread but forget to name it and wonder why it won't post. Then I'll see the fine red print above the subject field saying you must enter a subject for your thread.

So maybe thats it and I haven't steered this down Tangent Lane entirely....

When in doubt, be sure to look for a red fine print message up top. :idea:  :arrow:

The "post reply" not working while "quote" or "reply" within an existing post does... is something encountered on other sites in the past. I have my browser set to clear all cache and cookies upon exit, and religiously log out and close browser when done. This bites me only when my session times out during lengthy composition and assures that each browsing session acts the same way.

Alas, my tablet's browser version (its a google branded rig, factory configured to mine data, force suggestions, and prevent full browser cleanup) has no "clear and exit" option while on my phone the same browser does have that option, which I use faithfully. In order to counter this one must first act like he is going to do a new search, ignore popular unavoidable suggestions and individually delete each previous search listed above those then go into settings and manually clear everything possible there. Then repeat after each session and just live with the fact that Chrome can't be removed or reconfigured for keeps.

Pretty silly if you ask me but on the google tablet, there is no provision for actually closing the browser at all. Have to go to recent apps and "close all" which does nothing as far as cleanup. And this ^^^ is why its tough to get help on these type issues. Even if a guy knows how to fix, writing out each rabbit hole is very time consuming and with modern soft and hardware, every setup is a durn near unique combo just like engines.


I have the full Microsoft Suite on my computer. When I select what photo I want to upload I right click on the photo then select Open With then select Paint. One of the options there is to Resize. Each photo requires a bit different percentage of original. After the resize you can select File and one of the drop downs is Properties. That will tell you how big the photo file now is. Play with it until it meets the size requirements here. If you want a different percentage click the back button on the top bar and try again. I normally save the resized photo with the original name with small behind it so I know what's what.

58 Yeoman

I've also noted the slow load times when I come to the RRT, the last few weeks. I thought it might be the new modem the telco gave me to replace the one that died. I still think this new modem is junk, as it is slower than the last one, which was the same model.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Fatcat is here this week for work. I brought this slowness up to him last night. He told me it must be me because " no one else is complaining" I'll show him this thread. :D

I use Irfanview to resize photos. You can do one at a time, or batch conversions. The nice thing about it is you can click on the reduced photo and it will display the original size in a new window. I may be able to get Fatcat to do a tutorial on it if he has the time. You can also do photo editing on IrfanView.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Pages are still slow to load..

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)