Computer question-Need help, please

Started by slocrow, October 06, 2004, 05:36:48 PM

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Recently strange things have been happening and now I've got a problem. I need some direction or out right help and instructions.
The main problem is my e-mail. I'm using Outlook express and I can no longer open any with attachments. When I click twice on the item that's highlighted in my inbox another window opens with the message that was sent. This opening of an additional window(s) use to continue till I got to the original senders message where upon I'd see the intended message or pic sent to me.
This isn't happening as of yesterday. Now I open the first window and attempt to open it (a second time) again and a message window pops up stating "The command failed to execute". I can't get beyond that pop-up.
Also when using any one of three browsers, Explorer 6 (the latest edition), Netscape 7.1 or Mozilla Firefox things have slowed, lots and yesterday Explorer kept resetting my home page to a MSN home page. I went in several times to change it back before it looks like it's holding so far today.
I've run Spybot and Ad-aware several times and only Ad-aware is coming up with two things in the registry that I keep removing. It states that these items are something that may be trying to hi-jack my homepage.
This may be two seperate problems.
Also one e-mail sender got a e-mail bounced back as an undeliverable message. I found this out as a second one got through.
I know I need help but first, does anyone have any ideas or experience with this and maybe an answer?
Thanks, Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...

Fat Cat

On the hijack and spyware killers. You might need to boot the computer in safe mode to get rid of them. I have found a few that if you remove them in regular windows they would reinstall themselves on a reboot. Fought one for the better part of a day before I got rid of it.

I can't help with the outlook issue as I refuse to use it and know so little about it because of that.


I had one a while back also and like Fat Cat mentions the only way was to remove it in the safe mode. The best way I've found is Hijack This . But you have to know what you are looking for. On  web site there is a formun there for Hijack This and they can help you with the registry. The site is broke up into sections which makes it easy to find your solution



Thanks Guys; It looks like I only have a Outlook problem. Apparently everytime I go to MSN using Explorer, to try and figure out the Outlook problem, they take it upon themselves to change my home page to their choice. Well, at least that's sloved.
I did run in a safe mode but couldn't find the Outlook problem so I'll keep hopping and trying. Thanks for anymore/the help....Frank :evil:
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...