Booster Pack help

Started by Arnold, February 14, 2018, 09:58:27 AM

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I am lost. I bought a booster pack about 10 years first. To try it. It was cheap and on sale. I was confused about this "Peak" amps..thing..which seemed waaaay too high (in this case 1400) but! the crank amps I understood 700.

I have had 1000 amp "booster" batteries around me forever! Just basically batteries that I use for boosting..keep a new one every few years.

This booster pack had sort of thin cables..(my head is in the 1 gauge..type of booster cables 8) . I tried it..OMG :!: NO 1000amp battery had even REMOTELY the power of this thing. Cheap..on$60 or something. I never used a battery to boost again.
Hmmm..700 crank amps beats 1000.

Now..after using this thing like a zillion times..over 10 is about done. Time for a new one.
Few newer ones have 700 crank amps..if they do they are seriously expensive. high quality ones are around 300 start paying big time when they get up over 400 amps. Seems the cheaper booster packs have about 1/2 the cranking amps compared to the peak amps while the better ones have less cranking amps. Expensive booster packs have about 1/4 the cranking amps to peak amps??

I have been told by a few suppliers that sell these that a good quality 300-400 amp cranking booster pack has about TWICE the power of a cheaper 700 cranking amp booster pack. HUNH

 Then there are those booster packs that are the size of a cigarette pack. HOW do they work? I have asked people who I THOUGHT would know. They don't know. The most knowledgeable guy said when he could not get his COMBINE :lol: started his kid used one to fire it right up :shock:

Thanks :D


I bought this one about two years ago  You can jump multiple cars without recharging it. The cables are long enough to set it on the ground. It has an off on switch. I used it to run 12V winches for extended periods. Well worth the money.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Thanks Very Much for the help :D I REALLY appreciate it! Just what I wanted to know. If you say that one is good..then it is good..I am good.
One small question :twisted: Maybe I will have to phone the ex's newer hubby :twisted: Iirc he is an electrical engineer

I had noticed the one you referenced..(Thanks) That one seemed to be the highest "peak" amperage  around 2200..with the lowest percentage of cranking power(amps)..200something peak amps. I did not think with that low a cranking amps it would start anything.

I am so lost now I need an excuse for a smoke break :twisted:

Thanks Again


It has enough power to start a 7.3 Ford by itself. At least it will start mine.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I was looking at these last week for a project. I put 20 small led lights in my 16 ft enclosed trailer. I wanted to be able to light it without the truck attached so needed an internal power supply. I considered one of these booster packs. Eventually I went cheap and installed a garden tractor battery. I have a 3A charger maintainer permanently mounted next to it. I ran 110 in the trailer for home and future generator use.

The thing that swayed me against the booster packs was the on/off switching. One that I was reading up on said it automatically turned off after 1 minute. I didn't know if the 12v cigarette type jack would do the same of handle my output.

Last night after having the lights on for not that long, I saw the maintainer said the battery was at 60%. Not what I expected. I put my amp meter on it and it was at about 2A, which was more than I expected. I expected to have about a 4 hr run time on the lights.


We used my booster pack to run 24 LED lights in our trailer  from about 6pm to 9pm for 7 days without a recharge.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I wonder if the battery charger is seeing the load pulling the voltage down a little, then indicating the low batt condition.


I did a little research. The one Frank recommended, they sell battery's for. Is it possible to do this? If you could replace the battery every so many years, I'd be more excited about this. :)