Just Sold my 32 Vicky, Hated to see it go!

Started by BFS57, December 30, 2017, 09:19:09 AM

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Well, after advertising only in CraigsList I finally got a buyer for my 32' Ford Vicky!
Always seemed to have responses but usually really low baller offers or un interesting trades but got a call from a gent several miles away, that he was very interested and had "cash!"
Well as luck would have it, he was the real McCoy! he drove from Pismo Beach all the way to Hayward to look at it!
He loved it (why not really nice "turn key" car!!)
We went to B of A, he gave me cash and the paperwork was signed, he was very happy, I was very happy! End of story.
I miss it but the cash really comes in very handy now to finish my 57 Chevy!



Congratulations, I think. :) For most of us finding a buyer is very difficult so you hit a home run.


Yes, my selling price was lower than my asking price but very "hefty" and absolutely no squabbles!!!! he drove it, and really loved it!!! Like I said all party's were very happy!
My wife kind of gave me some guff!! But I told her that if I took that car to auction, I wouldn't realize as much as I got considering the pre prep (super detailing), and the auction percentage I would have to give up to sell it!!!
All I can say (if you believe) "Luck was on my side!!" I bought some lottery tickets after!!



Congrats on the sale.

A buddy here, sold his 31 Model A sedan on the Craig's List a month ago.  He got all the calls with folks offering him 1/2 of the price without even seeing the car or asking a question.

he finally sold it local , for cash

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

chimp koose

Glad to see it will go to someone who will enjoy and appreciate it . I think a lot of lowballers are just out to flip for quick cash . I think the lowballers are more insulting on items like a hot rod because there is so much personality put into these cars . If you want to make $50 flipping my snow blower go ahead and good on you , it is just a tool , but a hot rod is a more personal item .  I have a buddy who got a great deal on a 70 429SCJ torino quite a few years ago . He was at a car show with his 71torino when a guy walked over and started talking torinos with him . Hours later he offers the SCJ car to my friend at a very reasonable price . It was stated by the owner that he knew it would fetch more in parts than the sale price but he knew my friend would keep it as is and later restore . I told my buddy that the conversation they first had was an interview for a perspective new owner and he got the job .


Well, believe it or not, the low ball pitches and guys wanting to trade me their problems for my car without absolutely any problems wasn't the main *! Lots of guys wanted only an all metal car and for the price I was asking anyone that knows that the price I was asking wasn't reflective of a original metal body!
The buyer didn't seem to care, I was fully truthful about everything on the car and he was enough in the know that things made sense to him (don't think this guy will do much tinkering, just drive it!)  He loved the way the engine just started right up! ran smooth and cool, although he was not as keen about no power steering! I told him just keep it moving at slow speed and it works really well!
I can only say that he was in love with the car before he saw it as he told me he was trying to get a transporter. As it was he felt that my car was something he could trust so he drove it back home! I told him, " Drive the wheels off it!!!" He intends to!!!!



Congratulations! Mixed emotions, I'm sure. I felt that way when I sold my '29 in 2000 and saw it roll down the street on a trailer. I had built it and owned it for 23 years. But it was a lot of fun to sit down with Yogi later in the week and order the makings of my '32 3W and begin planning that build.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


Somehow Im thinking my Vicky won't be forgotten! The reason I say this is the new owner called me (Told him to contact me any time) He asked me how to get the back hatch open with the remote, I told him how and he was happy! Then he asked me about insuring it and I gave him the contact info for the co I had it insured with!
Anyway, he said how he was enjoying driving it! and we shot the poop on the phone and he said I'll probably be calling again with more questions, I said you are always welcome!!
