Hooley the Stude and B'ville

Started by 1FATGMC, August 18, 2004, 08:19:09 PM

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Slick 50

Kudos to all involved! What a reward for all the effort that went into the building and prep for the car.

I wonder if Hooley had a grin?  :wink: His face prolly hurts!

Good report Sum. It's exciting just to read about it.

Next year, for sure, maybe!
Ken    8)
aka Slick 50


Thanks for sharing Summner! That was a good morning read, when I should be working........ Shhhhhh!


Thanks for the report Sum. It was the next best thing too being there.
And to Hooley and the boys, GREAT. Not only did you make it to the salt, with  the completed car but then accomplished your goal without mishaps. A credit to your build skills.
Having only been there once, last year, I would compare your experience to going to the drags as a spectator vs a participant. It's got to be better for all involved to be playing rather then watching.
Again congratulations to all...... :b-d:
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Glad to hear you guys had good luck with the car.  It looked good in the pits, Looks better on the course!


Cool story and pix. I posted a HUGE pix in the "Test" section of the board. I took some High res. pix that I will send to Hooley next week.

Chris Nelson

Also, sum I sent you a PM.



Great effort and well done to all.

Now I'm really cheesed off that I didn't make it.    :cry:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "1FATGMC"First of all we had a great trip to B'ville and it was good seeing a lot of you.  snip

It was a fantastic achievement; and I was luck to have witnessed it all, and visited with you guys; well done.

Glad to see you have fought-off that bug you got on Monday.


Fantastic effort alright. Hearty Congrats guys & yeah, Sum...great read mate,
Thanx for that.
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May The Vehicle You Use To Get There Become The Reason For Going!
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I have a new hero... excellent coverage