Windows 8

Started by Charlie Chops 1940, January 16, 2013, 02:05:12 PM

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Charlie Chops 1940

I debated putting this on The Throne Room but thought it might be of more interest here.

Has anyone stepped up to the newest, Windows 8, and the all-in-one desktops.? It looks like this is pretty much a departure from the programs based screen with bookmarks, etc. that we all know and love to an Apps screen (there's an app for that....). I was talking to a sales guy in Sam's last night and he says the people he talks to that have bought new computers either love it or hate it, and that a lot of programs that used to come with the computer no longer do.

I was in Wally World this morning picking up a  universal replacement coffee carafe (an oops moment) and strolled over to the computer area and found a new HP laptop with Windows 8, with moderate memory, for $288. Maybe that's what to buy first to learn on while still relying on the old buggy whip propelled units I have

My desktop is gonna die in the near future I fear and become unrepairable.

Can't keep up.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Haven't had any experience with Windows 8, but do have an HP Touchpad with dual boot WebOS and Android. So far I've generally run the Android OS on it and suspicion it's quite similar to Windows 8 from what I've heard.

It takes a different slant on things to get to work with those icons/apps and touch screens.

Kinda like Apple OS has always been 'different' from Window/DOS.

It takes a different slant to get on with.

I get the toys to try and keep up with things, but I just can't get my head trained for touch screens and apps just like Apple 0S are too different for me. So I guess I'm in the hate it group.

Then again I am a very old computer nerd very stuck in the past. I still do 95% of my coding with a DOS text editor in a DOS window on a Windows XP machine. The only thing I actually use Windows for is email and Web Browser.

I am so old, that I have gone on ebay and bought a lifetimes worth of Toshiba Satellite A55 lappys because I refuse to do 'widescreen'. And I do all my computer work on lappys now, gave up boxes several years ago.

I also do Linux servers, currently working on a new install of Ubuntu on a new server and am beating my brains out trying to get one lousy compiled program to work. Heh, heh, the counter routine for my web pages. I'm beginning to think I should drop the webcounters from all my web pages, it's kind of a dinosaur app for the web anyway. But I did find it useful determining at a glance popularity of a page.

Anyhow, guess we'll see how Windows 8 works out, and yes buying a fairly cheap lappy to check it out seems like a good idea. That's what I would do.


I got a new computer in November, it has windows 8. I did not like it at first, but with some tweaking, I am happy with it now.  We did have to set up a virtual Windows XP to get some of my older programs to run. And my Eudora mail program does not like it much.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


OK! Just get it over! Buy an Apple Computer, fight with that and go from there! Last year, I bought an I Mac with OS on it new! Been struggling on it but have quite a few projects saved like car show pix (looks amazing) even videos! It makes an idiot look like a genious!
I work in a technology presentation business and everybody I know uses Apple Computers eithor directly or as a slave to another program or Hardware. I have seen one of the local techs control a whole room of presentations from his I pad!! While he just walks around the room! It's really strange! The guys at the Apple store don't even know about how to use their products in this manner!


wayne petty

FYI RRT members..
with SOME of the newer intel core type pc's   there is a way to create a HACKINTOSH with them.. as the current macs are using PC computers to run on...  so you can have the best of both worlds...

a super speedy computer that is a mac...