Model A seat?

Started by vso737, December 21, 2011, 10:49:35 PM

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VERY NICE RIDE.................

I have been building my '30 since Oct. 2008, taking a little different approach than what you have here.

I'm CURIOUS..........¿Do you have a bench seat? if so, did you put it on rails so you can adjust forward and backward movement OR is it a waste of time on these Model A's due to the lack of cabin space.

I'm getting near that point in my worry about mounting my bench seat.

"you\'re killing me Larry!"


Well I ran a stock bench seat in a channeled Model A for several years.

I'd think the only reason anyone would want it to be on tracks would be to just ''show off' it moves or if you plan on having some really short people drive it occasionally.

Actually at my advanced age and girth, I would be much more concerned about having a tilt steering column.


Thanks for the quick response..........

You are kind of helping me make my decision-

I'm 64, 5-10 and approx. 190.................sooooo, I expect I will need all the room I can get.
I'm using the middle seat from a Doge Caravan which is stationary. Have not decided whether I want to mess with tracks if they will NOT be used.

By the way, I do have a TILT GM steering wheel and just finished pluming it all up......painted and ready to go.  It will be a long time before I get to that stage in my build.

Thanks again,
Mike :shock:
"you\'re killing me Larry!"


Just sold my '34 coupe to a little short guy. I'm 6' and I had installed glides to allow some adjustment but unfortunately the seat was all the way forward for me and he had to drive 10 hours with a pillow stuck behind his back. I did make the seat adjusters so they could be moved forward by undoing some flathead allen cap screws and physically moving the adjuster to a more forward position but that didn't do him much good at 11:00pm when he was ready to drive home.


Well,I'm short and I have a caravan 3rd seat shortened 6" in the middle and I mounted on a set of those angle iron tracks you can buy that allows you to go forwards and back as well as angle the seat forward or back.  My seat is all the way back to the package tray and angled back.  Works for me, but if you were 6' tall,  I would think that you would want to take the package tray out to get some more leg room.  Tom...


have a look around for a 70 model mustang coupe rear seat..just about perfect width and has a fairly slim back so gives plenty of room for my 5'10 120kg frame.


I'm using the same seat that you have.  I'm 6'2" and 240. My 29 is a little tight but no rails for movement that's for sure! I'd have to say it's a waste of time.