cam specs

Started by reborn55, June 27, 2011, 11:28:27 AM

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I am working on a Torino for a friends widow.  He passed on a couple of years ago and she has decided to sell his 71 Torino. He put a 429 into it and has a solid lift cam.  Well they are noisy as can be and has a dead cylinder.  I cannot find any specs on the cam in the horde of paperwork with the car and cannot find the engine builder--has moved out of the area.  Any rule of thumb in setting rocker arm clearance.  I am hoping that one may be too tight causing the dead cylinder.  Widow says it ran great on the way to cruise and on the way home would barely idle and started running rough--of course this was 2 years ago.  Super nice car--one family owned--zero rust--never damaged.  Thanks


Very few of those engines every had solid cams put in them. If it doesn't have guide plates and hardened pushrods, there may be a problem. As far as lash, my suggestion would no less than .018 or more than .030.


Cam was put in at the rebuild.  Has Manley guide plates and Comp. Cams roller rockers and a very bent pushrod.


My thought for the bent pushrod was too much lash. How about you check the others and see where they're at?