Pics from last weekend

Started by DRD57, June 22, 2011, 10:51:27 PM

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Don, your pics are always good. I appreciate your efforts. My question to everyone is" have you been to any event that's better than LARS"?


Quote from: "kb426"Don, your pics are always good. I appreciate your efforts. My question to everyone is" have you been to any event that's better than LARS"?

Better? No!
Pleasanton and the GNRS are nearly as good but, not better. One of the cool things about the LARS is the week before the show there are a bunch of open house parties at shops all over the LA basin. You could do hot rod stuff all day every day for a week and people come from all over the world to do it.

chimp koose

thank you for the post. I too enjoy all the pictures.