Reaffermation of a Previously Stated Truism

Started by Anonymous, August 09, 2004, 07:13:38 PM

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A couple of months ago, maybe 3, someone posted a tale of terror about remembering to use your safety glass when working around metal and how they had suffered for not doing so.

I thought "Well, yeah I know that"  Next day I decided to put the brand new fenders I bought 2 years ago and had laying behidnd my shop on my car trailer.  The first thing I did was cut the old fenders off with my torch.  Left a little slag so I grabed my little grinder and started to grind the brackets clean.  Big chunk of slag hit me right in my stupid eye.  My stupid eye in this case would be my left one.  Hurt.  Being big it bounced off my face and while I kicked myself for being dumb as a rock I cleared stuff out of my eye and it felt allright.

About a week ago, I loaded a bunch of dried limbs that I had gathered up for a few weeks into the bed off my pickup.  One snapped and a big chunk hit me in the same eye.  Really hurt but after awhile seemed OK.  Eye bothered me for a coup;e of days so I decided to go to the Emergency Room.  I had the lense in both my eyes replaced last Summer so I was kinda' concerned I might have done something to mess the left one up.

I was seen by a doctor wanna' be first.  She dug something (dirt or wood) off my eye lid and Then told me there was something on the colored part of my eye and she would need some other equipment to get it.

Guess it was going to be above the level of what she had read in her extension courses because she brought back a real doctor.  He put me on one of those things they use at the eye doctor's where you rest your chin on a pad and press your forehead againest a bar and they shine lights in your eye for a couple of hours.  He puts one hand on my head and picks up a tool that looks like a small ice pick and says "Dont move or blink.  You can actually see that little pointy insturment coming into your eye.  Really scares you.  Like watching a knife attack in one of those old 3-D movies.  After he gets whatever out of my eye he says "Hmm.  Theres rust in there.  I think "Rust?!!"  Wood doesn't rust.  It had to be from my fender replacement adventure.

He then says "Get me the drill"  I think "Drill!!!  And that is what it was.  A little battery powered drill.  I say "You ever done this before?"  He screws up his face.  I say "Well, did you pay real close attention in class that day."  He chuckles his most evil chuckel and presses my head againest that brace again and begins to freehand drill into my eye.  Same awful thing as with the other tool.  You can actually see it coming into your eye.  Only better now because you and also hear this little drill humming.  Apparently I'm not as coragious as I should be because in the middle of drilling he says "I told you not to move"  Believe me I'm trying!.  Everything seemed to work out.  Had a little blind spot for a few days.  It works great now.  I wonder if that piece of metal had rusted out if they patch your eye with Bondo or lead?  Wear your glasses.  That wasn't fun enough for my to do it again.


Quote from: "32desoto"A couple of months ago, maybe 3, someone posted a tale of terror about remembering to use your safety glass when working around metal and how they had suffered for not doing so.

I thought "Well, yeah I know that"  Next day I decided to put the brand new fenders I bought 2 years ago and had laying behidnd my shop on my car trailer.  The first thing I did was cut the old fenders off with my torch.  Left a little slag so I grabed my little grinder and started to grind the brackets clean.  Big chunk of slag hit me right in my stupid eye.  My stupid eye in this case would be my left one.  Hurt.  Being big it bounced off my face and while I kicked myself for being dumb as a rock I cleared stuff out of my eye and it felt allright.

About a week ago, I loaded a bunch of dried limbs that I had gathered up for a few weeks into the bed off my pickup.  One snapped and a big chunk hit me in the same eye.  Really hurt but after awhile seemed OK.  Eye bothered me for a coup;e of days so I decided to go to the Emergency Room.  I had the lense in both my eyes replaced last Summer so I was kinda' concerned I might have done something to mess the left one up.

I was seen by a doctor wanna' be first.  She dug something (dirt or wood) off my eye lid and Then told me there was something on the colored part of my eye and she would need some other equipment to get it.

Guess it was going to be above the level of what she had read in her extension courses because she brought back a real doctor.  He put me on one of those things they use at the eye doctor's where you rest your chin on a pad and press your forehead againest a bar and they shine lights in your eye for a couple of hours.  He puts one hand on my head and picks up a tool that looks like a small ice pick and says "Dont move or blink.  You can actually see that little pointy insturment coming into your eye.  Really scares you.  Like watching a knife attack in one of those old 3-D movies.  After he gets whatever out of my eye he says "Hmm.  Theres rust in there.  I think "Rust?!!"  Wood doesn't rust.  It had to be from my fender replacement adventure.

He then says "Get me the drill"  I think "Drill!!!  And that is what it was.  A little battery powered drill.  I say "You ever done this before?"  He screws up his face.  I say "Well, did you pay real close attention in class that day."  He chuckles his most evil chuckel and presses my head againest that brace again and begins to freehand drill into my eye.  Same awful thing as with the other tool.  You can actually see it coming into your eye.  Only better now because you and also hear this little drill humming.  Apparently I'm not as coragious as I should be because in the middle of drilling he says "I told you not to move"  Believe me I'm trying!.  Everything seemed to work out.  Had a little blind spot for a few days.  It works great now.  I wonder if that piece of metal had rusted out if they patch your eye with Bondo or lead?  Wear your glasses.  That wasn't fun enough for my to do it again.

Years ago like in many when we used to braze in patch panels i finished a panel and quick grabbed the grinder and started smoothing it out. Got a big chunk og hot brass in my eye and didnt go th the doctor till the next day. Boy did i get my * chewed from the doc.. Ive had way too much stuff picked from my eye. I guess i never got smart i just got to the point that i needed glasses. Thats the wrong way to do it. Wear your safety glasses..


Yep...been there.....the last time I had 3 visits to the eye hospital before they were satisfied it was all out and  ok...The drill thing is quite un nerving...The crazy thing is I was wearing protective glasses. It happened when I lifted them up to look at the job. A splinter of metal fell into my eye. It was caught in my hair I guess and dislodged when I raised the glasses. My first reaction was to rub my eye..bad thing. It pushed it right in. I now wear a full face shield. As an added protection, if I feal anything fall into my eyes now, I keep my eye open and grab a magnet I keep on the side of my garage fridge and pass it in front of my eye...just in case :wink:
See Ya


32.........I went thru almost the exact same thing about 20 years ago. Only difference? Mine was rusty metal when it hit my eye.........I waited a day or so,till I couldn't STAND it any longer,and THEN got the ol'  
"drill in the eye" routine.
Thats when I learned,your eyeball doesn't have any nerve endings in it. What hurts when you get something in your eye,is the irritation to your your eye socket.........
Tain't fun is it?
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


man do not talk about eye injuries............I have had them all everything from metal fileing from a brake lathe to having a brake spring break through the saftey glasses and ripping my eye open and having to get 4 stitches in it..
on the stitches the doctor said that the angle that the spring hit the glasses and the force behind it was what made the glasses break.
and the metal shavings in both my eyes was due to the wrong type of saftey glasses being use for the type of job I was doing.
I now have about 15 different pairs of safety glasses around the shop I use as recommended by the eye doctor that did the work on my eyes.
Oh I did forget the time I got a sliver or fiber glas from a dash in my eye from a car I was not even working on ( I was just passing by at the wrong time) that hurt the worst of all the eye injuries I have had .
so yes I wear safety glasses now .
on a brightrer note the place that I work for now gives us a free eye exam every year because they offer a school of optometry , so the optometry students get to see first hand all the bad things that can happen to the eye.
That which one can dream can be built......


Oh yes, Rob has had that done about 5 times now!!!!  Do you learn? NO. LOL
those little rust rings are hell!!!!!!  :roll: